Josh Lieb


Los Minions y sus amigos: Volumen 1
Esta colección de cortos de los Minions de la franquicia de «Mi villano favorito» incluye minipelículas como «Ruedines», «Cachorro» y «Yellow is the New Black».
Santa's Little Helpers
The Minions, having been accidently dropped off at the North Pole, make the most of the situation by trying to become elves.
The Dog Days of Winter
Max braves the harsh winter weather and an uncooperative Who to bring a sick Grinch his favorite hot tea.
The Grinch Mini-Movies
From Illumination and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, three new mini-movies from The Grinch. Including "The Dog Days of Winter" starring the Grinch and his heroically loyal dog Max; and "Yellow is the New Black" and "Santa’s Little Helpers", both starring the lovable Minions.
Inmigrantes L.A Dolce Vita
A Estados Unidos emigra más gente que en todos los otros países del mundo juntos, pero ¿por qué? ¿Porque adoran los perritos calientes y las hamburguesas? ¿Porque quieren conocer a Pamela Anderson? Tal vez. Pero la verdadera razón es que los inmigrantes llegan a los Estados Unidos para perseguir el Sueño Americano. "Inmigrantes" es la historia de Vladislay (ruso) y Joska (húngaro), dos inmigrantes ilegales que persiguen el Gran Sueño. Viven juntos en Los Angeles, en un complejo de edificios habitado por personas de muchas otras comunidades extranjeras, y buscan desesperadamente un empleo mientras intentan adaptarse a la cultura de la ciudad.
I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President
Twelve-year-old Oliver Watson’s got the IQ of a grilled cheese sandwich. Or so everyone in Omaha thinks. In reality, Oliver’s a mad evil genius on his way to world domination, and he’s used his great brain to make himself the third-richest person on earth! Then Oliver’s father—and archnemesis—makes a crack about the upcoming middle school election, and Oliver takes it as a personal challenge. He’ll run, and he’ll win! Turns out, though, that overthrowing foreign dictators is actually way easier than getting kids to like you. . . Can this evil genius win the class presidency and keep his true identity a secret, all in time to impress his dad?