Carter Bays

Carter Bays

Nacimiento : 1975-08-12,


Carter Bays


Lluvia de albóndigas
Adaptación del libro homónimo de Judi Barrett, una parodia animada de los films de catástrofes, como Armageddon, Twister o Independence Day. El protagonista es Flint, un joven científico que sueña con inventar algo que le mejore la vida a todos sus vecinos. Tras muchos intentos consigue crear algo que realmente funciona: una máquina que hace caer comida del cielo.
Molly And The Moon
A couple who are expecting a child and who sing to their unborn baby in the womb. But the film also takes us inside the womb and imagines a little girl in a rowboat singing back and using the sound of her parents’ voices to try and reach “the moon,” or a metaphor for being born.
Molly And The Moon
A couple who are expecting a child and who sing to their unborn baby in the womb. But the film also takes us inside the womb and imagines a little girl in a rowboat singing back and using the sound of her parents’ voices to try and reach “the moon,” or a metaphor for being born.
Molly And The Moon
A couple who are expecting a child and who sing to their unborn baby in the womb. But the film also takes us inside the womb and imagines a little girl in a rowboat singing back and using the sound of her parents’ voices to try and reach “the moon,” or a metaphor for being born.