The film, directed by Gregori J. Martin and co-directed by Darnell Williams, features a cast that includes Ilene Kristen, Forbes March, Aiden Turner, David Fumero, Jill Larson and Alex McCord. Manhattanites follows the lives of a group of people in New York City who are faced with life changing circumstances and decisions over a period of several months. The choices they makes have far reaching consequences on not only them but people they do not even know.
When a passionate young model convinces her boyfriend, a painter, to take to the canvas to renew their sexual chemistry, their erotic, uninhibited masterpieces command the attention of the art world. Smothered in paint, the couple slip and slide into a new realm of their relationship.
Roberta Glass es una veinteañera aficionada a leer los anuncios personales del periódico. Es así como se entera de que alguien está buscando desesperadamente a una tal Susan. También ella quiere encontrarla para poder alejarse de su marido, un triunfador guapo y enérgico, incapaz de comprender sus sueños. Cuando, por fin, la localiza, se verá envuelta en numerosos líos, ya que Susan es una mujer que vive según sus deseos y que concibe la vida como una gran aventura.
Cletus is a compulsive liar. He prefers the term 'fabrication' to lie though. When Cletus becomes a social worker he's assigned the case of a boy called Jorge (with a 'J') who was taken from his mother. Cletus sets out to reunite Jorge with his mother, but to do so he has to fabricate many a story to keep Jorge from being adopted. In search of the mother, Cletus meets and falls in love with a women's advice councillor.
Una película sobre el mundo de la mafia.Tras cumplir una condena de seis meses en prisión, Polly Franklin empieza a trabajar en un prostíbulo que es frecuentado por la élite de la delincuencia de Chicago.
Phony backwoods preacher Amos T. Huxley stays in a small North Carolina town long enough to fleece his congregation, swindle the profits from a moonshine still, and seduce dumb blonde Mary Lou. Mary Lou's ex-boyfriend becomes suspicious of the preacher and gets the local police to investigate his actions.