D. Paul Thomas


Of Things Past
A young couple struggling to save their marriage after the tragic loss of their baby son moves to idyllic Mammoth Lakes, CA. Filmed over thirty-five years, we see Michael and Laura's journey through love, commitment, secrets and desires.
Of Things Past
A young couple struggling to save their marriage after the tragic loss of their baby son moves to idyllic Mammoth Lakes, CA. Filmed over thirty-five years, we see Michael and Laura's journey through love, commitment, secrets and desires.
Of Things Past
A young couple struggling to save their marriage after the tragic loss of their baby son moves to idyllic Mammoth Lakes, CA. Filmed over thirty-five years, we see Michael and Laura's journey through love, commitment, secrets and desires.
Threat of Exposure
Lt. McDermott
A man poses as a hypnotherapist's patient to find the truth about his missing brother.
Nazi America: A Secret History
Narrator (voice)
A history of the Nazi movement in the United States. In a feature length survey of Nazism in the USA, we trace the history from the fairly benign organizations that gave structure to newly arrived German immigrants to today's neo-Nazis who breech the borderline of free-speech by using radical action to force their agenda of Aryan Purity.
The Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History
Narrator (Voice)
From its inception in 1866 to it's diminished but still vocal brotherhood in the modern era, this release takes a close look at the ways in which the Klan has evolved through such events as the Civil Rights Movement and affirmative action. In addition to informative interviews with such subjects as Hooded Americanism author David Chambers and The Fiery Cross author Craig Wade, this film also seeks to get the story from the inside by offering revealing interviews with Grand Dragon Edward Foster and Imperial Wizard Jeff Bary.
Sheriff Joe Carlton
Tras superar un ataque al corazón, Peter Crane, un famoso periodista ganador del premio Pulitzer, decide abandonar la ajetreada vida de Nueva York y mudarse con su mujer y su hijo a un tranquilo pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra. Sin embargo, la calma dura poco: un día se presenta en su casa pidiendo ayuda una mujer que afirma que su hijo ha sido injustamente detenido por asesinato. Peter se interesa por el caso y averigua que la víctima era novio del acusado. Tras visitar al chico en la cárcel, llega a la conclusión de que es inocente y de que, en cambio, los habitantes del pueblo tienen mucho que ocultar; de hecho, a medida que Peter va atando cabos, los vecinos, al principio muy amables, se muestran cada vez más hostiles con él y con su familia.
For the Future: The Irvine Fertility Scandal
Atty. Walter Matheson
John and Debbie Challender have been trying to conceive a child for ten years. Because this hasn't worked they adopted a son, but Debbie still feels she has missed out on something not knowing what it's like to feel life inside of her. They decide to seek treatment from a so-called 'miracle doctor' Ash at Irvine University. Although John doesn't like the doctor they go ahead with the treatment, which almost kills Debbie. All ends well though and they become the parents of another son. Meanwhile the office manager of Dr. Ash's clinic become more and more suspicious when she finds out that some of his nurses are not licensed RN's.
Inside Edge
Matt Reeves
Danielle Steel: Papá
Después de veinte años de matrimonio, un hombre comienza de nuevo con sus hijos después de que su esposa lo deja para "encontrarse a sí misma".
Years of the Beast
College professor Stephen Miles (Gary Bayer), his wife, a young girl, and a drifter (Jerry Houser) are suddenly faced with a society where money is worthless, food is scarce, your neighbor is your enemy and oppression reigns. The four must survive a world of earthquakes, natural disasters, looters, corrupt officials and the Anti-Christ in power.