Self / Correspondent
In a 2012 joint investigation by FRONTLINE and the Center for Public Integrity, correspondent Miles O’Brien uncovers the shocking consequences of a broken dental care system. Poor children, entitled by law to dental care, often cannot find a dentist willing to see them. Others kids receive excessive care billed to Medicaid, or major surgery for preventable tooth infections. For adults with dental disease, the situation can be just as dire and bankrupting. While millions of Americans use emergency rooms for dental care, corporate dental chains are filling the gaps in care, and in some cases have allegedly overcharged patients or loaded them with high priced credit card debt.
IBS Anchorperson
Cuando Becky Fuller, una enérgica productora de televisión, es despedida de su trabajo, su vida profesional se hace tan sombría como su vida sentimental. Su siguiente trabajo será sacar a flote un magazine matinal y para ello contrata a Mike Pomeroy, un famoso periodista de televisión caído en el olvido y adicto al alcohol. Una comedia sobre el mundo de la televisión producida por J.J. Abrams para la Paramount.