James Bolam portrays serial killer Dr. Harold Shipman in this made-for-TV drama. The film follows the story of Shipman, a general practitioner who throughout his career is believed to have killed as many as 250 of his patients. When the high death rate of his practice was investigated, it was discovered that he had given lethal doses of diamorphine to a vast number of his patients. He was put on trial where he was convicted of 15 murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.
In the midst of World War II, Nazi officer Otto Schatz declares the execution of Jewish music-hall comedian Genghis Cohn. Many years later, Otto is comfortably retired into the life of a highly respected police commissioner, and is investigating a series of murders when he encounters the ghost of Genghis Cohn. The haunting turns into a taunting, and before he knows it, Schatz is slowly driven mad as he is lured into a trap.
Poco despues de que la cumbre USA-URSS para el desarme nuclear fracase, el mundo se ve al borde de la III guerra mundial. Superman recibe la carta del niño Jeremy, quien le pide que salve el mundo de la inminente guerra atómica. Desafiando al espíritu de los sabios de Krypton, el Hombre de Acero anuncia a la ONU que destruirá todas las armas nucleares, tanto del Este como del Oeste. Sin embargo, esto es aprovechado por el genio criminal Lex Luthor, recién fugado de prisión, quien se alía con los militaristas americanos y soviéticos para crear a Nuclear Man, un supermonstruo que aniquilará al Ultimo Hijo de Krypton.
For reasons unknown, a flautist and an astronomer find themselves drawn to one another. But, when the flautist stumbles upon a secret regarding his late father, the two wind up in a celestial duel against the ancient Master Flautist for earth's future.
Twins June and Jennifer Gibbons speak only to each other in a language of their own creation. As young teens, they commit a violent crime. After 14 years in Broadmoor Psychiatric Institution, freedom visits them in a mysterious way.
Lee Remick stars as Jennie Jerome, born in the United States in 1845, who eventually became Lady Randolph Churchill, and gave birth to Sir Winston Churchill in this seven-part, seven-hour biographical mini-series.
Encerrados en su fortaleza aislada situada en una isla, un anciano capitán de artillería psicótico y su amargada esposa se enzarzan en una serie de discusiones que amenazan con desembocar en la violencia.