Colin Cunningham

Colin Cunningham

Nacimiento : 1966-08-20, Los Angeles County - California - USA


Colin Cunningham
Colin Cunningham


Curse of Crom: The Legend of Halloween
High school teenagers accidentally unleash an ancient Irish entity on their hometown and must stop it before midnight on Halloween.
John Cavanaugh
Un músico electrónico y un fan con problemas se sumergen en una pesadilla alucinógena en la que deben enfrentarse a una antigua entidad japonesa, capaz de doblar el espacio y el tiempo y causar estragos y muerte, para salvar sus almas.
La casa del río
Billy Von Winkle
La doble nominada al Oscar Catherine Keener es una enfermera de un pequeño pueblo que lidera a sus vecinos de clase obrera contra la farmacéutica Pfizer, conocida en todo el mundo por ser una de las fabricantes de la vacuna contra la COVID-19. Inspirada en un libro basado en hechos reales, "La Casa del Río" nos muestra la historia de lucha de un vecindario contra los abusos políticos y corporativos.
El tesoro de la montaña
Una pareja con problemas económicos descubre unas coordenadas con su GPS que les podrían guiar hacia un tesoro robado. Para ello se asocian con otra pareja de autoestopistas para encontrar las monedas que les ayudarán a vivir más desahogadamente.
The Historian
Chris Fletcher
A troubled, young history professor tries to escape his past by taking a job at a new university, where he struggles with an entrenched and equally-troubled department chair, rampant student apathy, and new relationships that complicate and challenge his world-view.
Guardian Angel
Gregor Sarkoff
After the tragic death of his wife, Ray, a veteran security specialist, must protect the daughter of a businessman who embezzled millions from a crime boss in Los Angeles. Uncovering much more than he bargained for, Ray takes matters into his own...
La última víctima
Clinton Cruise
La vida de Nancy Grace, que trabaja como asistente en la oficina del fiscal del distrito, da un vuelco cuando asesinan a su marido. Historia basada en hechos reales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Afghan Luke: Verdad Oculta
Disheartened when his story about Canadian snipers possibly mutilating corpses in Afghanistan is buried, Luke (Nick Stahl) quits his job but is even more determined to return to Afghanistan to get the real story. With his offbeat buddy, Tom (Nicolas Wright), tagging along, Luke returns to Afghanistan and intends to gather enough evidence to get his old story into print. But he soon finds that the country is an even more dangerous place than when he left. To make matters worse, his old friend and fixer, Mateen (Stephen Lobo) has been hired away by Luke's journalistic nemesis, Imran Sahar (Vik Sahay). Soon the trip for Luke and Tom in Afghanistan turns into a surreal and perilous adventure, a journey into an alternate reality, filtered through a haze of gun smoke.
Rise of the Damned
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parents' lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by the fact that her parents virtually vanished, as did the accident wreckage, so there's no evidence for the police and certainly no closure for her. Jesse meets her fears head-on when she and a group of filmmakers break into an abandoned mental institution, she immediately experiences a visceral deja-vu. The asylum seems somehow connected to her missing parents and furthermore, the building is far from deserted. The group discovers that a sinister doctor has taken up residence in the building's vast underground and he is using extreme science trying to bring his wife back from the dead! The basement also contains the countless remains of the doctor's failed experiments, all of which are now slowly coming back to life when they make contact with a murky substance that has begun to leak out of several holding tanks!
La maldición de Hollow Glen
Cada Halloween, una pequeña aldea en las profundidades del bosque es visitada por un duende feroz, con la intención de capturar niños y asesinar brutalmente a cualquier persona que se cruce en su camino.
Bola de fuego Draven
Tim Timmonds
El temperamental y convicto ex estrella de fútbol americano Tyler Draven, descubre en la cárcel que ha desarrollado la habilidad de crear fuego con sus propias manos. Ahora decide escapar de la cárcel y llevar cabo una venganza contra todos aquellos que lo humillaron y lo hicieron meter a prisión. Las autoridades buscaran la forma de combatir a tan insigne criminal antes de que siga haciendo daño.
Desayuno con Scot
Canadá /// La secreta vida gay de un famoso ex jugador de hockey junto a su pareja se verá trastocada con la aparición de un niño muy especial. Acostumbrados a la típica vida conservadora de los suburbios de Toronto, Scot revolucionará lo que ambos daban por sentado que era lo “normal” en un mundo lleno de estereotipos y prejuicios como el que vivimos.
CENTIGRADE is about a Man (Colin Cunningham) who lives in an old, busted up camper trailer... But wakes up one morning to find himself (and it) rolling down the highway...
CENTIGRADE is about a Man (Colin Cunningham) who lives in an old, busted up camper trailer... But wakes up one morning to find himself (and it) rolling down the highway...
CENTIGRADE is about a Man (Colin Cunningham) who lives in an old, busted up camper trailer... But wakes up one morning to find himself (and it) rolling down the highway...
CENTIGRADE is about a Man (Colin Cunningham) who lives in an old, busted up camper trailer... But wakes up one morning to find himself (and it) rolling down the highway...
Todos gritamos por un helado
Años atrás, un grupo de niños cometió una gamberrada contra un payaso vendedor de helados que se descontroló y salió tremendamente mal. Ahora, pasado el tiempo, la venganza de este hecho hará aparición sobre los chicos responsables, ahora ya adultos, casados y con hijos... Capítulo 10 de la segunda temporada de Masters of Horror.
The Entrance
Officer Banks
A police detective is swept into a web of deception and, in search of the truth, finds herself in a contest with forces of the occult.
Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of 'Diff'rent Strokes'
Vic Perillo
As NBC's hit sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes" proves a long-running hit for a network desperately in need of one, its young stars: Gary Coleman, Todd Bridges, and Dana Plato face all sorts of trouble off-camera. Gary battles with his parents over the management of his salary, Todd runs into trouble with the law countless times, and Dana's career after the show meets with despair and tragedy.
Lesser Evil
When Karen finally gathers up the courage to go to the police after she is raped, she's shocked to learn that the cops won't do a thing about it! So this gutsy gal goes up against a federal law-enforcement agency in order to make sure her attacker is thrown behind bars once and for all. You'll cheer Karen on as she fights for justice.
Elektra (Jennifer Garner), tras recuperarse de las mortales heridas sufridas en "Daredevil", se convierte en la más peligrosa asesina del mundo. Una vez asignada su última misión, Elektra tomará una decisión que llevará su vida en una nueva dirección... o la destruirá para siempre.
Wilder Days
Car Pirate / Makeshift
Quixotic old codger James "Pop Up" Morse (Peter Falk) enjoys spinning colorful yarns for his 11-year-old grandson, Chris (Josh Hutcherson). But the boy's uptight, no-nonsense dad, John (Tim Daly), disdains Pop Up's fantasy world. Believing that John is stifling his son's imagination, Pop Up bolts from his nursing home and sets out on an adventurous cross-country road trip with Chris (sans John's permission) in this made-for-TV family drama.
Yo secuestré a Sinatra
John Foss
En 1963, tres jóvenes emprendedores de clase media-alta del sur de California planean lo imposible : el secuestro de Frank Sinatra Jr. minuto a minuto , paso a paso .
Mr. St. Nick
Agent Nardo
Kelsey Grammer stars as Nick St. Nicholas, a Miami-based playboy philanthropist who is about to make his life complete by wedding the girl of his dreams, gorgeous TV weathercaster Heidi Gardelle (Elaine Hendrix). Not known to the general public is that the profligate St. Nicholas is really the son of none other than Santa Claus (Charles Durning)--or, as the jolly old elf is known in this story, Nicholas XX. Expected to take over the "family business" at the North Pole before his father's power fades, Nick balks, choosing instead to remain in Miami, where he is about to launch his latest charity at the behest of his fiancee Heidi. By the time he realizes that his "dream girl" is actually a mercenary nightmare, Nick finds himself besieged by a vindictive INS agent (Colin Cunningham)--and racked with guilt over the gloomy fate awaiting his father and the North Pole toy factory.
El sexto día
Un mundo futuro, utópico, libre de enfermedades, libre del hambre; un mundo donde la clonación es una de las primeras industrias, gracias a la cual, entre otros beneficios, los seres humanos disfrutan de bancos de órganos listos para serles transplantados ante una posible necesidad. Pero hay un límite: se trata de la Ley del Sexto Día, basada en la Biblia, que no permite la clonación humana, es decir, la creación artificial de hombres por el mismo hombre. Pero esa regla va a ser violada por una ambiciosa empresa de genética. El clonado es Adam Gibson, un sencillo padre de familia condecorado en el pasado como piloto de guerra, quien, una noche al regresar a casa del trabajo, se encuentra con que ha sido reemplazado por alguien idéntico a él (su clon). Para que la clonación no se descubra, la empresa deberá eliminar al original.
Descenso final
En un espectacular robo aéreo, unos delincuentes consiguen escapar con un botín de treinta millones de dólares arrojándose en paracaídas. Al caer en las Montañas Rocosas, pierden el maletín del dinero en uno de los picos más altos de la zona. Mientras tanto, un grupo de escaladores está planeando la subida a ese lugar.
Very important perros
New York Butcher
Los participantes en un concurso de perros ven en su mascota la oportunidad de alcanzar la gloria y el reconocimiento que creen merecer, hasta tal punto que son capaces de cualquier cosa con tal de ahuyentar a sus adversarios. Con sus perros caprichosos y de nombres estrafalarios, los concursantes se desenvuelven en un medio donde la pureza de la raza es el máximo valor que puede tener un animal. Sus perros convenientemente adiestrados se han convertido en máquinas mimadas que saben controlarse para satisfacción de sus dueños.
Ross Singer
It's millennium eve. At the stroke of midnight the Y2K computer bug kicks in, causing widespread chaos in the US.
Marcado por su pasado
Hale Bryant
Un joven policía es contratado por el gobierno para un caso especial: desenmascarar a una banda de asesinos a sueldo que, bajo el mando de un desconocido cabecilla, están cometiendo crímenes. El joven policía se hace pasar entonces por un matón a sueldo.
Zacharia Farted
After finding a mysterious key on an unmarked grave, friends Michael Bates and Brian Moore embark on a cross country road trip to find its owner.
Zacharia Farted
Michael Bates
After finding a mysterious key on an unmarked grave, friends Michael Bates and Brian Moore embark on a cross country road trip to find its owner.
Dead Fire
Cal Brody
The year is 2062. The Earth is no longer inhabitable and has been left in ruins. On-board the space station USS Legacy in orbit around Earth, the Earth's population are in suspended animation whilst the space station is under military control and scientists are working on a project to make Earth inhabitable again. After disobeying orders, trying to apprehend a out-of-control soldier on a rampage, tough soldier Captain Cal Brody is sentenced by his commanding officer, Colonel Alexa Stant, to guard the stasis chamber where the Earth's population is in suspended animation for 3 months. But the USS Legacy is taken over by criminal Max Durbin and a group of escaped convicts, who have been freed by Alexa from the prison colony on Earth and Alexa decides to help them. Cal sets out to stop Max and Alexa's scheme and believes he is the only man who can stop Max, who plans to use Cal's scientist girlfriend Kendall Foster experiment to make the Earth inhabitable again...
Robin de Locksley
Walter Nottingham
Adaptación juvenil del relato de Robin Hood a la actualidad. Ahora Robin vive en Seattle, va al instituto y maneja el ordenador. Después de que sus padres ganaran un gran premio en la lotería, el joven Robin McAllister es enviado a la prestigiosa Locksley Hall. Allí experimenta cómo los hijos de los benefactores de la escuela, John Prince y sus asociados Warner y Gibson, son tratados como la realeza. Robin no se puede unir al club de tiro con arco y se mete en problemas cuando intenta aprender por su cuenta, ya que sus padres están completamente ocupados con su nuevo rancho de caballos.
For the Love of Nancy
The parents of an anorexic woman fight to save her life.
A 15-year chronicle of the pre- and post-Civil War expansion and settlement of the American West – a journey fraught with peril and intrigue from struggles with the natural elements, to the interactions with the indigenous peoples who lived on the land, and the determination and at many times ruthlessness of those who sought to settle it.