Sharron Miller


Little Girl Lost
This heart-wrenching story inspired by real events depicts the trials of the Brady family, who are trying desperately to adopt a helpless little girl they took in when she was in a foster care program. Clara and Tim Brady are in for the fight of their lives as they find that adopting Tella will not be so easy -- especially when social services puts her back into the care of her abusive father.
Pigeon Feathers
From the pen of Pulitzer Prize winning author John Updike ("Witches of Eastwick," "Rabbit Run"), comes the story of a young man's search through the questions of life and death, and the wondrous discovery of living in the soaring beauty of one of nature's simplest creations. A family returns to life on a farm and finds some answers to the paradox of living.
Three related women have summer romances in this drama. The first has recently been deserted by her husband. When an old college beau shows up, sparks fly. Meanwhile her sister is wrestling with a rock star. And finally her daughter goes abroad and gets involved with a non-English speaking young man.
The Woman Who Willed a Miracle
Based on the true story of May Lemke. Her adopted son Leslie was born with cerebral palsy. May teaches him basic survival skills through the years. In his teens, he suddenly manifests an ability to play classical music on the piano.
The Woman Who Willed a Miracle
Based on the true story of May Lemke. Her adopted son Leslie was born with cerebral palsy. May teaches him basic survival skills through the years. In his teens, he suddenly manifests an ability to play classical music on the piano.
The Woman Who Willed a Miracle
Based on the true story of May Lemke. Her adopted son Leslie was born with cerebral palsy. May teaches him basic survival skills through the years. In his teens, he suddenly manifests an ability to play classical music on the piano.
Un poquito de sexo
Conran's saleslady
Michael tiene un gran problema, cada vez que toma un cafe con una chica guapa acaba acostandose con ella. El problema reside en que, muy pronto, se casará con Katherine, una preciosidad con la que vive desde hace años. Tommy, el hermano de Michael, le desafía a que no conseguira mantenerse sexualmente fiel a Katherine después del matrimonio; Michael acepta la apuesta y descubre que el amor y las buenas intenciones no son suficientes: trabaja como productor de spots de televisióny está en contacto con bellísimas modelos y actrices. Demasiado cerca para un hombre casado. Pero Michael pondrá todos los medios precisos para vencer la innumerables tentaciones
Cradle Song
A young farmer deals with a traumatic past experience as his wife is about to give birth.
Cradle Song
A young farmer deals with a traumatic past experience as his wife is about to give birth.
Die Laughing
Sound Editor
A San Francisco cab driver find himself in possession of a monkey that is carrying a formula for turning atomic waste into a plutonium bomb. He finds himself framed for a murder and chased…
La casa de la muerte
Un hombre casado se va del hotel donde se encuentra con su amante, y se extravía en un pueblo extraño. El hombre se encuentra con un enterrador que le cuenta cuatro historias acerca de algunos de sus recientes clientes.
La casa de la muerte
Un hombre casado se va del hotel donde se encuentra con su amante, y se extravía en un pueblo extraño. El hombre se encuentra con un enterrador que le cuenta cuatro historias acerca de algunos de sus recientes clientes.
Días del cielo
Sound Editor
Bill y Abby, una joven pareja, deciden abandonar la pobreza y la dura vida que llevan en el Chicago de 1916. Los dos y Linda, la hermana de Bill, viajan hacia las grandes campos de trigo de Texas, donde encuentran trabajo como braceros en una granja. Recogida la cosecha, el joven y apuesto patrón, al que hacen creer que los tres son hermanos, les pide que se queden porque se ha enamorado de Abby.
Sound Editor
La historia de una familia pionera que se enriqueció a principios del siglo XIX en la frontera de Ohio.
Malas tierras
Sound Editor
Dakota del Sur, 1959. Cuando el joven Kit Carruthers (Martin Sheen) conoce a Holly (Sissy Spacek), decide dejar atrás su mediocre vida y alcanzar el triunfo sea como sea. Pero tras un trágico incidente, ambos jóvenes se convierten en fugitivos.