Matthew Posey

Matthew Posey

Nacimiento : , Dallas, Texas, USA


Matthew Posey was born on July 31, 1958 in Dallas, Texas, USA as Matthew Devon Posey. He is an actor and director, known for No Country for Old Men, Mr. Brooks, and The Magnificent Seven.


Matthew Posey
Matthew Posey


This World Won't Break
Lonnie Milligan
A broke-down middle aged Texas troubadour yearns to be remembered like the southern bluesmen before him, but his failings and self-doubt forestall his musical dreams and blind him to the open road.
Mind of Its Own
A provocative romantic comedy where Johnny finally gets the girl of his dreams as he has help from his "family jewels". It's a real battle of the heads-or can they finally understand each other and work together.
Los siete magníficos
Hank Stoner
Siete forajidos son contratados por los desesperados habitantes del pueblo de Rose Creek para que les defiendan de la amenaza de un despiadado extorsionador llamado Bartholomew Bogue. Mientras preparan el pueblo para la violenta confrontación que saben se avecina inevitablemente, estos siete mercenarios se encontrarán luchando por algo más que el simple dinero.
El pacto
El profesor Will Gerard (Nicolas Cage) y su mujer Laura (January Jones) llevan una vida tranquila, pero una noche Laura es víctima de una brutal agresión sexual. En el hospital, un misterioso tipo llamado Simon (Guy Pearce) se dirige a Will y se ofrece para hacer justicia y ahorrarles el suplicio de tener que pasar por un proceso judicial. Will está tan alterado que de manera irreflexiva acepta la propuesta. a partir de ese momento se verá metido en una organización justiciera clandestina.
The Final
Un grupo de marginados de una escuela, decide vengarse de los estudiantes que los atormentan.
No es país para viejos
Sporting Goods Clerk
El veterano de la Guerra de Vietnam ahora cazador Llewellyn Moss descubre por casualidad una sangrienta escena en algún lugar de la frontera entre Texas y México, mientras estaba cazando algunos animales en el árido paisaje. Se trata de un negocio que se cerró mal entre contrabandistas de drogas y algunos hombres locales de la zona, provocando la muerte de varios de ellos. Además de los cuerpos y paquetes de heroína, Llewellyn descubre en una maleta algo más de dos millones de dólares. Cuando Llewellyn toma la maleta con el dinero, provoca una reacción en cadena de catastrófica violencia y una carrera sangrienta de los que quieren darle caza.
Mr. Brooks
AA Leader
Earl Brooks (Kevin Costner), un brillante hombre de negocios que lleva una vida aparentemente tranquila, es en realidad un asesino en serie. Brooks se esfuerza por reprimir sus instintos homicidas, pero su alter ego (William Hurt) se lo impide. Una dura y tenaz detective (Demi Moore) capta la atención del misterioso asesino al que persigue.
La vida de David Gale
Inmate Cook
La vida de David Gale (Spacey), profesor universitario y activista contra la pena de muerte, da un vuelco inesperado cuando es acusado y condenado por la violación y muerte de su colega, la activista Constance Harraway (Linney). A sólo tres días de su ejecución, Gale acepta conceder una entrevista exclusiva a una joven y ambiciosa reportera (Winslet).
When a single mother and high-powered Chicago ad executive returns to her home town in Kansas to care for her ailing father, she rediscovers the joys and hardships of farm life.
Death in Small Doses
One night Nancy Lyon awakes in pain and dies shortly after - poisoned with arsenic. Her family immediately suspects her husband Richard, who left her temporarily the year before because of an affair. Especially Nancy's brother is keen on getting the children away from the suspected murderer. All evidence points against Richard, but in court Richard surprisingly presents proof that his wife had depressions and maybe killed herself - or are these proofs just fake? -- Depicts an authentic case.
The Corpse Had a Familiar Face
The Corpse had a Familiar Face is a 1994 American TV-Movie with Elizabeth Montgomery, playing Edna Buchanan, a Miami's criminal journalist.
Stay the Night
D.A. Tom Charron
Based on a true story, Barbara Hershey and Morgan Weisser portray two star crossed lovers who will stop at nothing to be together without any ridicule. "Stay the Night" tells the dark tale of the controversial romance of a small town teenage boy named Michael Kettman and a free-spirited older woman named Jimmie Sue Finger, who suffers from an abusive marriage. Jimmie Sue and her younger lover plot to murder her husband, which leads to either eternal bliss for the both of them or a curse on their relationship.
Final Verdict
A trial lawyer risks losing his family and career when he defends a client who he knows to be guilty as charged.
In Broad Daylight
Mayor Dan Austin
The fanatically uncompromising Len Rowan and his family insult and terrorize the citizens of a small town for years. One day the comment of a saleswoman about Len's son not being able to pay his sweets triggers off his persecution complex. As revenge for the believed insult, the whole family starts stalking the shop owner and her husband... until this escalates and the old man gets badly injured. Len is arrested, but gets off, free on bail. His clever attorney delays the court session for more than a year - while Rowan keeps threatening the witnesses. But then, the people feel they've had enough of this and decide to take the law in their own hands...
A Killing in a Small Town
Norman Billings
The gory ax-murder of one mousy, suburban Texas housewife by another is nearly as shocking as the excuse offered by the bespectacled defendant's attorney: self-defense. Could it be so?
Juego de noche
Un detective de la policía realiza el seguimiento de un asesino en serie que acecha a las mujeres jóvenes en una playa después de cada juego que un lanzador de béisbol gana.
Historias verdaderas
The Computer Guy
Un pequeño pero creciente pueblo de Texas, lleno de personajes extraños, celebra su sesquicentenario realizando un desfile local y un show de talentos musicales.
With Intent to Kill
Larry Rigoli
A high school football hero Bo Reinecker tries to piece together the events leading up to murder of his girl friend Lisa Nolen. Claiming to have experienced a total blackout, Bo is ultimately found not guilty of the murder by reason of insanity and placed in an institution for four years. Meanwhile, the dead girl's father, Tom Nolen, and her sister Wynn, bitterly prepare a campaign to put Nolen away in prison for life. Things come to a boil when Bo is released--and Tom and Wynn take "due process" into their own hands.