Lynn Farleigh

Lynn Farleigh

Nacimiento : 1942-01-01, Bristol, England


Lynn Farleigh


Barry altera inadvertidamente el futuro cuando utiliza sus superpoderes para viajar en el tiempo con el fin de cambiar los acontecimientos del pasado y queda atrapado en una realidad en la que el General Zod ha regresado y no hay superhéroes a los que recurrir. Para salvar el mundo en el que se encuentra y volver al futuro que conoce, la única esperanza de Barry es correr por su vida. Pero, ¿bastará con llevar a cabo el sacrificio definitivo para reiniciar el universo?
Tonight the World
Tonight the World draws from a cross-section of dream diaries kept by Martin’s grandmother, Susi Stiassni, who fled the imminent Nazi occupation of Czechoslavakia in 1938. Through five chapters, the film links as many dreams sited in Susi’s childhood home, Villa Stiassni, a modernist mansion built by Susi’s parents, who were prominent Jewish textile manufacturers in the industrial hub of Brno. Conjured in Susi’s imagination from her middle-age onwards, in the context of psychoanalysis, the dream diaries as a whole span 40 years and 40,000 dreams, but Martin’s selection focuses tightly on dreams about intruders within the Villa, recreating a narrative of threat and escape that parallels Susi’s lived experience. Retracing the legacy of her grandmother’s emotional history, Martin considers the unconscious underpinnings of intergenerational trauma, loss and resilience.
De una época a otra
Dos mundos separados por siglos enteros. Cuando Tolly, de 13 años, descubre que puede viajar de uno a otro, comienza una aventura que liberará antiguos secretos de familia enterrados por generaciones enteras. (FILMAFFINITY)
Waving at Trains
Annabelle Warren
Some summer days last forever… A poignant short film starring Oscar-nominated actor Pete Postlethwaite in one of his last film roles.
Miss Potter
Lady Sybil
Beatrix Potter fue una mujer inteligente y carismática que se vio obligada a luchar contra los convencionalismos de su época para poder dedicarse a su pasión: los libros infantiles. Potter se enamoró de Norman Warne, su editor, quién le ayudó a alcanzar la fama con sus creaciones para niños del personaje Peter Rabbit.
Un cuento de hadas
Mrs. Thornton, the Teacher
En el verano de 1917, en plena guerra mundial, Frances Griffiths (Elizabeth Earl), una niña de diez años, aplaude con gran entusiasmo los vuelos de Peter Pan y Campanilla en un teatro de Londres. La magia de los personajes es tal que Frances llega incluso a olvidar el miedo que le produce la idea de perder a su padre, que está luchando en el frente.
Suffer The Little Children
Deborah Hayes is charged with murdering her son Michael, aged 8 months. In the Police Interview Room, suffering from the immediate after-shock of the event, Deborah explains to two police officers and her solicitor why she gave her suffering son her own sleeping tablets and then attempted suicide herself.
Tales from Hollywood
Helene Weigel
A slightly ironical description of the colony of German artists in Los Angeles, who had to leave their country during the Nazi-regime. A young playwriter (von Horvath) joins them and finds out, that there are gaps between the artistical attitudes and the real live behavior of authors like Thomas or Heinrich Mann, Lion Feuchtwanger or Bertold Brecht.
This "Play on One" story depicts Jack and his farming family in West Wales. They have built up their dairy herd with vast loans and are then told they must cut back on milk production and slaughter some of the herd. The community launches a campaign against the quotas, but Jack takes the law into his own hands.
Mrs Fialova
Czechoslovakia, 1952. For some, life under the post-war Stalinist regime is hardly worth living and although the escape route to the West is almost suicide, the rewards - prosperity, political freedom, even luxury - make it a risk worth taking.
God's Chosen Car Park
Irene Box
Nathaniel Box, a self-styled prophet, along with his daughter Barbara and her fiancé Curtis, holds a night time press conference in an underground car park, devoutly believing that "a new Messiah for a New Age" will appear there before dawn - and their wait does not go unrewarded.
Fighting Back
Barbara Merrick
A single mother returns to her home town after fifteen years of unhappy marriage and fights to make a better life for herself and her children.
Daylight Robbery
Neglected by her family, kept apart from her grandchildren, desperately short of money, Bea begins to gamble - at first for small stakes, but ultimately for the highest stake of all: revenge for the past.
Coming Through
Lydia Lawrence
While researching the work of author D.H. Lawrence (Kenneth Branagh), Kate (Alison Steadman) begins a romance with a fellow academic, and learns about Lawrence's love affair with the married aristocrat Frieda Von Richthofen (Helen Mirren) in this made-for-television drama. As Lawrence and Von Richthofen fall deeper into their forbidden relationship, Kate grows more familiar with Lawrence's work, such as the sensuous Lady Chatterly's Lover.
Antony & Cleopatra
Octavius Caesar (later renamed Augustus Caesar, son of the murdered Julius Caesar), Marc Antony, and Lepidus form the triumvirate, the three rulers of the Roman Empire. Antony, though married to Fulvia, spends his time in Egypt, living a life of decadence and conducting an affair with Queen Cleopatra. In Antony's absence, Caesar and Lepidus worry about Pompey's increasing strength.
A Walk in the Forest
Catherine Clements
A writer gets involved with a Soviet dissident.
Orejas largas
Cat (voice)
En los pacificos prados de Inglaterra vive una comunidad de conejos. Cuando su madriguera se ve amenazada, un pequeño grupo de valientes conejos escapa de la madriguera en busca de un nuevo hogar. Conducidos por Fiver el visionario, Bigwig el valeroso, y el honorable Hazel hacen frente a multitud de desafíos y peligros que superan gracias a su fuerza y astucia para sobrevivir, mientras persiguen su sueño.
The Mother
After her young son accidentally drowns, a woman has a breakdown and is finally placed in a mental hospital. After her release, her husband takes her for a weekend at a secluded country mansion, hoping to help her recover. However, things at the mansion aren't quite what they seem to be, the couple begin to feel an uneasy and oppressive presence, and the mother starts to see things that may, or may not, be hallucinations.
Lydia Crosse
Adam Crosse is a reporter for a local paper. A neurotic under-achiever, the last straw comes when he discovers his wife Lydia is having an affair and she coolly tells him she has no intention of either giving up her lover or divorcing Adam. The top crime story of the moment is a serial murderer nicknamed "The Kitchen Killer". Adam sets out to murder his wife and blame it on this shadowy psycho
The Hallelujah Handshake
A lonely young man longing to be accepted lies his way into a local church. The priest and his congregation soon begin to unravel his tales as his actions become versatile.
Scenes from Family Life
The eternal triangle can change shape but always has three sides.
Three Into Two Won't Go
Steve Howard, a British sales executive living in Manchester, England, begins an affair with a young hitchhiker, Elle Patterson, to emotionally get away from his marriage to his wife Francis. But when Elle moves into a room in Steve and Francis's house, he must keep the true nature of his relationship with Elle under wraps at all costs.
All's Well That Ends Well
An adaptation directed by Claude Whatham for the BBC's Theatre 625 slot. Essentially a recording of John Barton's acclaimed Royal Shakespeare Company production starring Catherine Lacey (the Countess), Ian Richardson (Bertram), Lynn Farleigh (Helen), Clive Swift (Parolles) and Sebastian Shaw (the King), it was broadcast on 3 June 1968.