Charles De'Ath
Nacimiento : 1968-05-24, Hampstead, London, England, UK
999 Operator
Sarah parece haber encontrado su vocación trabajando en un hogar de ancianos de Liverpool, donde tiene un talento especial para conectarse con los residentes. Luego, en marzo de 2020, llega la pandemia de Coronavirus.
SS Kruger
Alemania, 1944. Leyna es una adolescente alemana mulata, que vive atemorizada por su color de piel. Cuando ella conoce a Lutz, miembro de las juventudes hitlerianas e hijo de un destacado oficial de las SS, ambos se enamoran irremediablemente, poniendo así sus vidas en peligro.
Police Sergeant
Un joven periodista ambicioso descubre la horrible matanza de 22.000 oficiales polacos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un secreto que se mantuvo oculto durante demasiados años.
TV Film adaptation of Victoria Wood's hit musical set in Manchester in 1929 and 1969. When middle aged loners Tubby and Enid attend a reunion of the choir in which they sang as children, the music evokes powerful memories, leading them to realise they still have a chance to find happiness.
Lieutenant Krieger
Inspirado en una historia real, narra cómo en los últimos meses de la II Guerra Mundial, en Hungría, un joven judío roba un uniforme nazi y se hace pasar por un oficial alemán para intentar salvar a su familia y a otros judíos.
Christopher Cowin is in his mid 30s, a family man who owns a small advertising agency. A court case he had recently lost has shown him the rich and powerful always win! That is why Christopher creates the website THE LIST. On this site, users can label corrupt individuals in public life and award them points as to how much of a menace they are. The result is a list of politicians, CEOs and bankers. The website quickly becomes a worldwide success but suddenly, whoever is number one on THE LIST appears murdered and public opinion starts to turn against Christopher.
PC Brooks
When a fresh faced nanny arrives at her new job on a creaky farm in the English countryside, she is instantly caught up in the turbulent relationship of her employers. James is struggling to provide for his family and Rachel, an inexperienced mother, is unable to cope with the demands of her new born baby. Unaware of his wife's decision to hire help, a disgruntled James leaves them alone in the secluded farmhouse. When night falls and he fails to return, a sinister intruder invades the property, unraveling a night of gruesome blood-shed and unprecedented terror. But who is behind it? What do they want? Can anybody escape alive?
Adelaide's Father
El Doctor une fuerzas con su compañero más antiguo registrado cuando una base militar es atacada por aguas sensibles y peligrosas. Puede ser otra posición contra las inconmensurables probabilidades, pero esperar en las alas por el Señor del Tiempo es una señal de que todas las canciones deben terminar ...
When detectives investigate a seemingly natural death of an old man, they discover a disturbing tape in his possession which alongside old family memories also features the murder of a woman. After tracking down the dead man's ex-wife and his estranged son they try to discover a link between the mans death and the horrific videotape.
Phillip Pimlott
A spate of computer thefts from government offices, a possible suicide under the wheels of a high-speed train, an absconded lifer on the loose, and a grisly trove of human bones in a garden all conspire to keep Davies on the job during a long Easter weekend.
Phillip Pimlott
Dangerous investigates the arson murder of a former lotto winner who is burned to death while drunk in a locked room.
Phillip Pimlott
Davies discovers a link between three separate investigations - an armed robbery at a job centre, the disappearance of a pensioner and a routine house burglary.
Phillip Pimlott
Davies investigates the drowning of a local character known for collecting discarded scraps of paper - but did he stumble across someone's well kept secrets?
Sgt Symes
Dramatisation of the true story of the notorious 'acid bath murderer' John Haigh, who murdered women and disposed of their bodies in vats of acid in the 1940s. He was only caught when the gallstones of one of his victims failed to dissolve in the acid and were detected by the pathologist who examined the residue from the acid bath.
A film adaptation of the 1606 satirical tragedy by Thomas Middleton, relocated to a post-apocalyptic Liverpool. Christopher Eccleston plays the revenge-obsessed Vindice, who has sworn to kill the evil Duke (Derek Jacobi) who murdered his one true love.
Una prisión británica donde se desarrollan programas experimentales de rehabilitación admite a un grupo de peligrosos delincuentes. En su encierro, Collin y algunos de sus compañeros descubren un innegable talento para la jardinería y, animados por Georgina, una experta horticultora, deciden inscribirse en un prestigioso concurso nacional. En la misma línea de "Full Monty" o "Billy Elliot", esta película se sirve de la cruda realidad en la que vive un colectivo desahuciado, en este caso un grupo de delincuentes en rehabilitación, para construir una amable comedia, quizás menos ácida de lo que cabría esperar. La cinta, escrita y dirigida por un desconocido realizador, Joel Hershman, está basada en hechos reales, y la protagonizan Clive Owen y Helen Mirren, dos actores británicos que volverían a coincidir un año más tarde en "Gosford Park".
David O'Neil, a plasterer and mature student Theo have been best mates for fourteen years and are practically inseparable. However, their friendship has become strained as Theo is about to move in with his long-term girlfriend, photographer Hannah. A raging jealousy awakes in David and he starts scheming to break up the loving couple using Hannah's insecurities against them. When the couple eventually separate David is in a quandary about his next move and is forced to confront his long-hidden homosexuality and feelings towards Theo. Eventually, David decides to reveal his sexual orientation and deep love for Theo very publicly by arranging for them both to appear as guests on Judith Adams' talk-show, "forgive and forget", with tragic consequences for their friendship and David's family.
While a narrator tells the story of a night of terror that changes his life forever, 16 young people chat about their lives in London. With topics ranging from the drug "ecstasy," to AIDs and one-night stands, to the sound of BritPop, and to the urban issues of racism, punk, hooliganism, and the London Police, the film documents funny and revealing insights with an unforgettable and unexpected chain of events.
Six London school-leavers attempt to make it in the world, balancing the challenge of trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry against the pressures and tragedies of everyday life.
Young Man at Gig
Paul reunites with his schoolmate Kim, and finds out she's actually a woman who has transitioned since they last met. She has no desire to stir up the past and they start to fall in love, but Paul's immaturity gets them in trouble.
Cuatro policías se infiltran en una banda de hooligans para llegar hasta sus líderes y evitar así los numerosos actos vandálicos que llevan a cabo. Sin embargo, uno de ellos se identifica tanto con los hinchas violentos que poco a poco se convierte en uno de ellos.
Fake Porter
Thriller basado en la hipótesis de que Hitler hubiera ganado la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Corre el año 1964 y Alemania domina Europa. Cuando varios altos cargos del III Reich aparecen muertos, un detective comienza a investigar...
The Players: Prologue
The National Youth Theatre of Great Britain present an abridged version of Shakespeare's play, with explanatory links and introductions by Martin Jarvis. Following the presentation of the play, members of the company are shown in a workshop with actor-director Ron Daniels.