Nick Hancock

Nick Hancock


Nick Hancock


MATTHEWS cuenta la increible historia de la vida y carrera de un hombre considerada como el mejor jugador de futbol de todos los tiempos, Sir Stanley Matthews.
Rory Davies
Ben Willis, estudiante de Bellas Artes, sufre de insomnio como consecuencia del abandono de su novia, Suzy. Para hacer más llevadera la vigilia, empieza a trabajar en el turno de noche del supermercado del barrio. Aquí conoce a gente de lo más variopinta que ha desarrollado su propia manera de hacer frente al aburrimiento de un turno de ocho horas. Ben se imagina a sí mismo parando el tiempo; de esta manera, es capaz de apreciar la belleza de un mundo congelado con la gente dentro, especialmente con Sharon, la cajera callada que quizás guarde el secreto para resolver el problema del insomnio de Ben.
Bostock's Cup
Mike Tonker
Former players and associates of third division club Bostock Stanley gather for a celebratory dinner to commemorate their famous FA Cup victory twenty-five years previously during which a shocking truth is revealed.
The Outsiders
'They Think It's All Over' presenter Nick Hancock teams together with Andy Smart of the Vicious Boys to follow the progress of the Iranian squad as they prepare for, and play through, the 1998 World Cup Finals. With only one, goalless, Finals appearance behind them, the team were 500/1 outsiders to win the competition, but they weren't about to exit the contest without putting up a fight
Nick Hancock's Football Nightmares
Stoke City fan Nick Hancock will be used to seeing terrible footballing blunders, so he's the perfect candidate to present this guide to the beautiful game's less inspiring moments. There are over 50 clips of own-goals and embarrassing moments which can be enjoyed over and over again.
Rik Mayall Presents: Micky Love
Paddy Logan
Mickey Love is an aging television quiz show host who after climbing his way back to the top after conquering alcoholism has hosted the highly rated "Family Values" for over ten years. But when he hears a false rumor that his show will be axed to make way for a new one to be hosted by young upstart Greg Deane. Mickey bitterly resorts to desperate measures to cling on to his career. Little does Mickey know however is that his bosses actually have something else in store for him.