Martin is a 30-something photographer who has made it his life quest to find his soulmate. After seeing a girl admiring his work in a gallery, he runs into her again at a photo shoot for a wedding. The two hit it off, but Martin becomes puzzled when she leaves before he wakes up the next morning. From there, we get a peek inside Martin's psyche, as he cannot comprehend why she hasn't made a life-long commitment to Martin after one date.
El investigador Tom Redding (Marc Singer) tiene una vida envidiable: una mujer que le quiere, un hijo que le adora y una buena posición social. Las cosas se complican cuando conoce a la doctora Claire Archer (Lisa Pescia), su compañera en el laboratorio. Ésta le seduce y tienen un escarceo amoroso. Mientras que para Tom ha sido un error, para Claire ha sido sólo el principio. Completamente obsesionada con él, estará dispuesta a todo para que no la abandone.