John Frawley

Nacimiento : 1929-08-18, Melbourne, Australia

Muerte : 1999-03-03


Call Me Mr. Brown
Captain Howson
Based on the 1971 true story known as "The Great Plane Robbery", this tele-movie tells the story of Peter Macari alias Mr. Brown. Under a grand extortion scam, he steals $500,000 in cash from Australian airlines company Qantas. This begins the start of a major international manhunt to catch a thief who is now living the high life from the spoils of his heist.
Annie's Coming Out
It tells the story of a young female social worker who begins work at a hospital for retarded children, and discovers that some of the psychological problems attributed to these children are incorrectly diagnosed. Proving this to be the case is difficult, however, as it is generally accepted that as those who are 'profoundly retarded' cannot communicate, therefore they cannot think. In the case of Annie O'Farrell (Tina Arhondis), finding a way for her to 'talk', other than speaking or writing, finally shows that she is not only able to think, but is highly intelligent. The battle against the hospital to acknowledge this in a legal sense goes to court, as the psychiatrists try to hide their misdiagnosis.
The Boy in the Bush
Mr. George
In the 1880s, Jack Grant, a young Englishman, has been sent by his parents to make a new life in the pioneering colony of Western Australia.
Más allá de la reencarnación
Dr. Lovelock
Tras curar la leucemia del hijo de un importante senador, un hombre misterioso va, poco a poco, adentrándose en su vida y en la de su esposa que acaba sintiéndose atraída por él. Son muchos los que temen que este curandero milagroso no sea más que un charlatán que sólo busca manipular al político.
The Night, the Prowler
Humphrey Bannister
Felicity Bannister is a young woman living in the shadow of her overpowering mother. Her oppression is her worst enemy until the day she is attacked by an intruder who breaks into her bedroom and forces Felicity into action. The tables are suddenly turned and Felicity transforms from the helpless victim into a ruthless renegade in search of trouble, driven by the anarchic thrill of malevolence.
La última ola
David Burton es un abogado australiano que vive tranquilamente con su hija y su esposa hasta que unos sueños premonitorios le revelan parte del conocimiento prohibido de los aborígenes. Un asesinato que debe investigar le pondrá en contacto con Chris, integrante de una tribu y conocedor de sus rituales.
The Adventures of Eliza Fraser
Un viejo capitán y su joven esposa comparten muchas aventuras después de que naufragaron y fueron capturados por los aborígenes en una isla cerca de Australia.
El juguete del diablo
Brother Celian
Retrato de la vida en un internado católico para chicos y el conflicto que surge entre el despertar sexual de los jóvenes y la mentalidad represora de los sacerdotes.
The Great MacArthy
Macarthy is a country town football champ who is kidnapped in a neon lit helicopter by tyrant Colonel Ball-Miller, the tycoon president of the South Melbourne football club.
Cowhand (uncredited)
An ex-gunfighter woos two women while avenging his brother, victim of a crooked gambler.