Tim Herzog

Tim Herzog


Tim Herzog


Estoy hecho un animal
Badger Milk Host
Un policía tiene un accidente de tráfico. Cuando despierta una semana después descubre que un científico ha utilizado órganos de animales para reconstruir su cuerpo destrozado. Con esta mentalidad Marvin se convierte en un héroe hasta que sus instintos animales se apoderan de él en los momentos más inoportunos.
Angels, Baby!
When two "soul mates" wander into the same upscale Karaoke Bar, it seems these two painfully shy people will miss out on meeting each other yet again. But when their Guardian Angels see their Love-o-meters (little gadgets the size of a Star Tac Phone with the following readings: "One Night", "Couple of Dates", "3 Months Plus Chips" or the flashing blue "True Love Ways") pulsing off the scale, they decide to join forces and unite their love wards, no matter what it takes. With a couple of spilled drinks, a sexy dress and one show stopping musical number the great looking angels drive these appealing lovers into each others arms, and get the whole bar to join in on the fun.