Tony McHale

Nacimiento : 1950-09-01, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, UK


All Or Nothing: The Mod Musical
In 1964, a new phenomenon exploded on to the dingy British streets. It was the essence of all that was cool. It was Mod. Mods stuck two fingers up at the class-ridden society and its dull redundant culture. They were working-class free spirits who rode sexy streamlined Italian Vespas or Lambrettas. The sharpest Mod of all was known as a 'face'. The Small Faces encapsulated all that is Mod, a unique blend of taste and testosterone, neat, clothes obsessed, and street-wise. But these cult sophisticates shared another passion, their dedication to 'Rhythm n Blues.'
School for Vandals
Middle-class parents have bought a run-down school in the country. Their two children, plus an assortment of friends, are staying there over the summer. One day an old lady is found in the school, claiming she used to work there. The children hold her to ransom, but no-one takes any notice.
Chance of a Lifetime
Recruiting sergeant
School leaver Gordon Saville (Martyn Hesford) joins the army.
Viaje al mundo perdido
Telegraphist (uncredited)
Secuela de 'La tierra olvidada por el tiempo' (1975). Cuando el Mayor Ben McBride organiza una expedición a la Antártica en busca de un amigo que lleva varios años en paradero desconocido, descubre un oasis tropical entre el hielo, habitado por hombres prehistóricos y terroríficas criaturas, de las que tendrán que huir para poder volver a su barco a salvo.