Sarah Danielle Madison

Sarah Danielle Madison

Nacimiento : 1974-09-06, Springfield, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 2014-09-27


Sarah Danielle Madison


A man wakes up alone in the middle of the desert with a black hood on his head and his hands tied behind his back. At death's door, he is discovered by a woman living alone in the desert and is nursed back to health. Upon regaining consciousness, the man realizes he has amnesia, and has no idea who he is. His only clue, a piece of paper in his pocket with the name "Manny Elder" on it, sends him on a journey to Los Angeles to discover his past. But things and people are not what they seem and clues lead to something bigger and more unusual than the man could have ever imagined.
Savage Planet
Gretchen Miller
A team of scientists explore a new planet and find much more than expected.
Training Day (Día de entrenamiento)
Female College Passenger
Todos los días, en las calles de las zonas urbanas deprimidas de los Estados Unidos se libra una guerra; una guerra entre residentes, traficantes de droga y los que han jurado proteger a unos de los otros. Esta guerra tiene sus víctimas y sus verdugos, y una de sus figuras más importantes es el sargento Alonzo Harris, un agente de narcóticos con 13 años de experiencia cuyos discutibles métodos hacen difusa la línea entre la legalidad y la corrupción. Jake Hoyt, un joven policía recién asignado a narcóticos, comienza sus rondas a las órdenes de Alonzo para aprender de él.
Jurassic Park III (Parque Jurásico III)
Cheryl Logan
El doctor Alan Grant, ansioso por conseguir fondos que financien su estudio sobre la inteligencia del velociraptor, acepta la oferta de pareja de millonarios, Paul y Amanda Kirby, para sobrevolar la Isla Sorna, en Puerto Rico, poblada por dinosaurios creados genéticamente para un parque recreativo. Tras producirse un aterrizaje forzoso en la isla, Alan descubre que los Kirby estaban buscando a su hijo adolescente, perdido en la isla tras un accidente de parapente.
ivans xtc.
Ivan Beckman, Hollywood's most sought-after talent agent, the darling and crown prince of La La Land, is dead. How and why did it happen? Was it drugs, murder, or perhaps something altogether more mundane? We begin with an ending and then catapult back a number of days to the apex of Ivan's brilliant career as he bags international megastar Don West onto his company's books. We then follow Ivan through the highs, lows, and extreme excesses of his final days.