Denny Kirkwood


Klaus Eats Butterflies
Had anybody known that Molly's DNA code was 14% butterfly, they probably would not have brought Klaus on as a guest seeing as his skin secretes (Z)-9-tetradecenol (Z9-14:OH), hexadecanal (16:Ald ) and 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol (6,10,14-trime-15-2-ol).
Caller ID: Entity
Three graduate students accept to participate in a confidential research as part of a psychopathology class. The students develop devices capable of recording and analyzing human brain patterns. As the assignments unfold, they discover that this eerie study has much more serious consequences then they could have ever imagine.
The Victim
Jonathan Cooger
Annie's life is in jeopardy after she's witnessed the horrific rape and murder of her closest friend. Fleeing from two attackers she stumbles across Kyle, a recluse living in the middle of the woods. Kyle finds the stillness of the woods comforting. The ruggedly handsome loner stays far from civilization - that is - until a single knock on his door throws his solitary life into chaos.
The Absent
Oscar Dillasaw
The town of Liberty has many secrets but the darkest is hidden between twin brothers. Vincent and Oscar Burton are only 10 years old when Oscar finds out his parents are trying to kill him for insurance money. Oscar takes it in to his own hands to protect himself and his twin.
Alex in Wonder
A girl in the 1970s dreams of becoming a ballerina while struggling with the divorce of her kooky parents.
Colin Turner
Estás invitado a la fiesta más caliente del año. GROOVE es el hilarante éxito de moda del Festival de Cine de Sundance 2000 que tiene al público y a los críticos delirando de costa a costa. Cuando se pone el sol el sábado por la noche, los fiesteros Colin y Harmony llevan su relación al siguiente nivel, la veterana asistente Leyla navega por Internet en busca de alguien que la lleve ha la fiesta y el adicto al trabajo, David solo quiere llegar a casa de una pieza. Al amanecer, los romances se encienden, los corazones se rompen y las vidas cambian para siempre. Con una banda sonora vibrante y emocionantes actuaciones de los recién llegados, Lola Glaudini ("NYPD Blue" de la TV), Denny Kirkwood (Never Been Kissed), Rachel True (The Craft) y Steve Van Wormer (Idle Hands). Con DJs John Digweed, Polywog y Wish.
This Is How the World Ends
Not so much a film about the apocalypse as Araki's previous effort Nowhere was, This Is How The World Ends was a TV Pilot episode for a series that was to be presented on MTV about a group of sexually-active teenagers in Los Angeles..
Nunca me han besado
Billy Prince
Josie Geller trabaja como correctora en un importante periódico, aunque lo que realmente desea es convertirse en periodista. De pronto se le presenta la oportunidad que tanto había estado esperando: su primer trabajo como reportera, en el que deberá infiltrarse en un instituto. Allí revivirá su frustrada adolescencia, pero también conocerá a un profesor que la ayudará a integrarse.