David Collins

David Collins

Nacimiento : 1967-01-01, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


David Collins is an American producer and writer born in 1967. He is best known as the creator and Executive Producer of the television series Queer Eye. Collins is the founder of Scout Productions, a film and television production company based in Los Angeles.


David Collins


My Sailor, My Love
A retired sea captain and his daughter must reassess their strained relationship after he begins a new romance with a widowed housekeeper.
The Castle
Monika's dream to play a one in a lifetime concert is cut short by her mother. However, she stops at nothing to pursue her dream.
Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
Un retrato de la vida y carrera del infame diseñador estadounidense de dispositivos de ejecución y negacionista del holocausto.
Rabia Salvaje
Norman, un joven de 18 años de Ohio, tímido y apocado que mantiene una extraña relación con su madre. Al ingresar en la mafia judía, Norman canalizará todas sus frustraciones en su nuevo empleo produciéndose una espiral de violencia y sangre espectacular y, para él, catártica.
Never Met Picasso
Still living at home with his avant-garde actress mother, constantly rejected by art schools, and without a lover, aspiring painter Andrew decides to enter a contest in hopes of winning a six month stay in Kenya. Though things aren't great for Andrew, neither are they wonderful for his lesbian friend Lucy who constantly bickers with her lover Ingrid. Lucy complicates Andrew's life when she introduces him to the suspicious-looking, enigmatic Jerry.
Dos tontos muy tontos
Production Supervisor
Lloyd y Harry son dos amigos bastantes idiotas cuyas vidas son un auténtico desastre. El primero trabaja como chófer de una limousina, y el segundo se dedica a transportar perros. Su situación se complica aún más, cuando Lloyd se enamora de una chica adinerada que desaparece dejando olvidado un maletín. A partir de ese instante, Lloyd y Harry emprenderán un viaje por todo el país para devolvérselo.