Erin O'Brien
Nacimiento : 1980-11-04, Sonora, California, USA
Actress / Performer.
Small town life is about to become a lot more interesting, when one man realizes he may be a killer.
Associate Producer
Small town life is about to become a lot more interesting, when one man realizes he may be a killer.
When a cash-strapped man learns his daughter has a brain tumor, he turns to his old Staten Island buddies to get back into their “family business.”
Un bombero viudo busca la manera de superar la pérdida de su mujer, que desapareció bajo extrañas circunstancias en una carretera rural de Nueva Jersey en la que se esconde un oscuro secreto. Su única manera de sobrevivir pasa por hallarlo y tratar de huir con vida.
A desperate cop on the edge is obsessed over the fact that his beautiful but desperate wife is having an affair. At the same time, he tracks a desperately shrewd bank robber who is falling in love with a desperately obsessed woman whose life he just saved from suicide. As if that's not enough, he is also being blackmailed by two desperately unhinged street criminals who will stop at nothing to get their money. Time is running out for all of them as their worlds collide in in this intensely unique and desperately compelling and unpredictable thriller!
Elle Wurthmore
Talia's family believes bullying is a way of life. She attempts to live up to her father's expectations by trampling anyone to win.
An enforcer for the mob enacts revenge on those who wronged her.
A cool and dangerous neo-noir crime film that revolves around the disturbed lives of two unlikely partners: Mickey Rady, a rogue undercover cop and Kook Packard, a smooth and charismatic con man. Together they rip off those operating outside of the law...for their own personal gain. But things go awry when one heist suck them deep into a city-wide conspiracy...
The Woman
After a kidney transplant, Jake Warren experiences reoccurring nightmares he believes to be visions of his donor's violent murder, sending him on a dark path of vengeance, leading to an unbearable truth.
Después de que Eden, de 7 años, fuera secuestrada durante un allanamiento de morada, el padre soltero Dane Hunte toma el asunto en sus propias manos, mientras que el detective Fini, al frente de la investigación, desentraña el misterio que rodea al inusual crimen.
A young boy homeless by tragic misfortune, is taken in by a poor yet loving man. Dylan, now a street-smart maverick yearns for a better future. With the odds stacked against him, Dylan fights to bring hope to his community, and find his place in the world. (IMDB)
Twenty-two year old Tori Coro gets involved in an underground fighting ring in a rough section of Camden, NJ. When her bruised and beaten body is found abandoned in the woods, rumors begin to swirl that Tori died in Fight Valley, an unofficial neighborhood where fighters go to make money. Tori's sister Windsor moves to town to start her own investigation. Jab's, a respected fighter turned gym owner, agrees to train Windsor as she prepares to come face to face with Tori's killer and fight for justice.
Twenty-two year old Tori Coro gets involved in an underground fighting ring in a rough section of Camden, NJ. When her bruised and beaten body is found abandoned in the woods, rumors begin to swirl that Tori died in Fight Valley, an unofficial neighborhood where fighters go to make money. Tori's sister Windsor moves to town to start her own investigation. Jab's, a respected fighter turned gym owner, agrees to train Windsor as she prepares to come face to face with Tori's killer and fight for justice.
News Anchor
El ex coronel de las Fuerzas Especiales, Robert Sikes , regresa a casa desde el Medio Oriente para convertirse en un justiciero, cuyo único objetivo es eliminar el crimen de su ciudad, que ha empeorado desde su ausencia. Para ello no dudará en formar a un equipo que será el encargado eliminar a mafiosos, criminales y políticos corruptos, responsables de la decadencia del lugar.
El detective de homicidios Walker debe evitar que un vengativo padre, que posee una empresa de armamento sofisticado y perdió a su hijo en un ataque terrorista, desate una campaña de control mental para hacer que los terroristas se aniquilen entre sí.
Brian Barnes, se despierta en el desierto herido y sin memoria y sin tener ni idea de por qué él está rodeado de ocho cuerpos, una camioneta con cuatro millones en efectivo y una furgoneta llena de cocaína. Brian es perseguido por el señor de las drogas, Danny Pérez que quiere desesperadamente su dinero de vuelta, y por la DEA, con su agente Rooker, y también por el corrupto sheriff Olson que no se detendrá ante nada ni nadie.
With his business in shambles, a mounting criminal record, and a cheating wife, today is the day that Buddy Hutchins snaps.
Thriller sobre una joven enviada a la cárcel de menores por el asesinato de su padrastro abusivo. La película sigue el viaje de Anna Nix en el oscuro mundo de una cárcel para niñas donde descubre relaciones complejas, las drogas, las enfermedades mentales y su eventual búsqueda de redención.
Ted's Secretary
En la ciudad de Copper Canyon, la gente está ganando dinero en un boom de la vivienda económica, y el club de campo local está zumbando sobre la oportunidad de inversión. Una vez viva pareja, Roger (Vincent D'Onofrio) y Georgie (Kyra Sedgwick), se han establecido en un estilo de vida complaciente de la mediocridad donde su matrimonio se está desmoronando y sus hijos se están alejando de ellos. Sin embargo, el desesperado descontento de Georgie empuja a Roger a encontrar una manera de invertir en la burbuja del mercado con la esperanza de que su familia pueda ahorrarse con el dinero que seguramente harán. Cuando el profesional de tenis local y el traficante de tiempo parcial, Pat (Rhys Coiro), acuden a Roger para asesoramiento en inversiones, Roger ve su oportunidad. Roto por la realidad de que su familia podría ser salvada por este dinero sucio, Roger se encuentra mirando por el cañón de un enigma moral.
Nurse at Station
When baby Sebastian is born on 12/12/12 everyone around him starts to die. Soon, his mother realizes that her son is the spawn of Hell.
A group of coeds from a small conservative college break out of their shells when their marching band bus breaks down in Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break.
Bela Dragulescu
In WWI Germany, a famous conductor is attacked and transformed into a vampire, and must now choose between the woman he loves and avenging his only son's murder.