Garnett Smith


Frankenstein's Great Aunt Tillie
Lawyer Schnabel
The descendants of Baron Frankenstein return to the family castle to search for the family fortune that is supposed to be hidden there.
El precio del poder
Immigration Officer #1
Un emigrante cubano frío y sanguinario, Tony Montana, llega de Cuba para instalarse en Miami, donde se propone hacerse con un nombre dentro del crimen organizado de Florida. Junto a su amigo, Manny Rivera, inicia una ascendente carrera delictiva.
Whitcomb's War
A businessman, a preacher, and a host of comic characters battle for spiritual control of a small mid-western town. Bible carrying preacher, David Whitcomb battles stubborn businessman Phil Esteem and three bumbling and treacherous demons as they plaque a small midwestern church, catching the ear of certain members of the flock causing mayhem and confusion… But who is really in charge? A warm and witty satire.
Aliens kidnap a group of humans in order to perform experiments upon them.
Aide (uncredited)
Maddalena va a Nueva York a reunirse con su prometido Michele, que emigró cuatro años antes. Como Michele estaba casado y en Italia no existía el divorcio, no podían casarse. En el aeropuerto, a Maddalena la retiene la policía aduanera por llevar una mortadela en el equipaje. Su estancia en la terminal le servirá para conocer la verdadera América y al verdadero Michele.