Roger Griffiths

Roger Griffiths


Roger Griffiths


CBeebies Presents: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Fairies, magic, celebration and comical confusion! Join Swashbuckle's Cook and Line as they help William Shakespeare put together a magical production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Filmed at the Everyman Theatre in Liverpool, the production features lots of CBeebies favourites, including Justin Fletcher as Nick Bottom - the star of the play within a play who undergoes a magical transformation! Whoever heard of a talking and singing donkey? English
Dangerous Mind of a Hooligan
Cinco delincuentes desconocidos entre sí, son contratados para robar un banco. Lo que debería haber sido una operación suave pronto desciende en la paranoia, la violencia y el horror. (FILMAFFINITY)
Inspector Matthews
Father Clemence, a man burned by his faith, has taken in search of retribution. Along the way, he is joined by Maria, a hitch hiking punk, who is fleeing her home in Mexico City. Together, the odd couple embark on a roller coaster of adventure that is at times both harrowing and heart warming.
Batman Begins
Arkham Uniformed Policeman
¿Cómo cambia un hombre el mundo? Es una pregunta que obsesiona a Bruce Wayne al igual que el fantasma de sus padres, muertos a tiros ante sus ojos en las calles de Gotham una noche que cambió su vida para siempre. Atormentado por la culpa y la ira, el desilusionado heredero industrial desaparece de Gotham y viaja en secreto por el mundo, buscando los medios de luchar contra la injusticia y utilizar el miedo contra los que se aprovechan de los que tienen miedo. Con la ayuda de su leal mayordomo Alfred, el detective Jim Gordon - uno de los pocos buenos policías de las fuerzas del orden público de Gotham - y Lucius Fox, su aliado en la división de Ciencias Aplicadas de Wayne Enterprises, Bruce Wayne libera a su imponente alter ego: Batman, un justiciero enmascarado que utiliza la fuerza, la inteligencia y un despliegue de artefactos de alta tecnología para combatir las fuerzas siniestras que amenazan con destruir la ciudad.
Buffalo Soldiers
Año 1989. El muro de Berlín está a punto de caer, y el planeta va a convertirse en un lugar seguro según un nuevo orden mundial. Sin embargo, en las afueras de Stuttgart, en Alemania Occidental, el Especialista Ray Elwood del 317 Batallón de Intendencia, en la Base del ejército norteamericano Theodore Roosevelt, está a punto de comprobar cómo su particular guerra fría se pone al rojo vivo. Elwood es un granuja encantador, un soldado condenado por el juez a cumplir servicio militar obligatorio que se las ha arreglado para hacer de éste un floreciente mercado negro. Oficialmente, atiende su trabajo diario como secretario del batallón para el inepto aunque bondadoso Coronel Wallace Berman. Extraoficialmente, se dedica a todo, desde la venta de artículos de limpieza robados a fabricar heroína para el implacable jefe de la Policía Militar de la base, el Sargento Saad. Cuando llega a la base un nuevo Sargento primero con la decidida intención de limpiarla de arriba a abajo.
Forgive and Forget
David O'Neil, a plasterer and mature student Theo have been best mates for fourteen years and are practically inseparable. However, their friendship has become strained as Theo is about to move in with his long-term girlfriend, photographer Hannah. A raging jealousy awakes in David and he starts scheming to break up the loving couple using Hannah's insecurities against them. When the couple eventually separate David is in a quandary about his next move and is forced to confront his long-hidden homosexuality and feelings towards Theo. Eventually, David decides to reveal his sexual orientation and deep love for Theo very publicly by arranging for them both to appear as guests on Judith Adams' talk-show, "forgive and forget", with tragic consequences for their friendship and David's family.
G:MT Greenwich Mean Time
Six London school-leavers attempt to make it in the world, balancing the challenge of trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry against the pressures and tragedies of everyday life.
Historias del metro
Charlie (Grasshopper)
Tube Tales es una colección de nueve cortometrajes basados ​​en las experiencias de la vida real de pasajeros del metro de Londres, expuestos en la revista Time Out. Las historias y el guión y filmadas de forma independiente.
Hard Men
British Gangster film with a tongue-in-cheek approach to the genre, including a part played by 'Mad' Frankie Fraser. When Tone's ex girlfriend resurfaces with a daughter he never knew he had, he moves from the world of blackmail, extortion and the occasional hit into the realm of nappies and lullabies. His pals, Speed and Bear, feel let down, but his employer Pops Den is furious and decides the best thing to do is wipe Tone out...but who will do it...and at what price?
Black Poppies
"A dramatisation of the experiences of black servicemen from the Second World War to the present day. These fascinating accounts - vivid, humorous, often harrowing - offer an unusual and sometimes startling perspective on army life. First produced by the Royal National Theatre Studio and now re-created for television, Black Poppies was filmed on the Broadwater Farm Estate in north London." - Radio Times, 1992
A golden floppy disk becomes a prophetic device through which a young Ghanaian girl living in England, Ama, rediscovers her African identity. She learns its contents at the office where her mother cleans. The disk, through magic realism and by way of ancestors, warns her of the dangers of forgetting one's heritage.