Val McLane

Val McLane

Nacimiento : 1943-02-25, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, UK


Val McLane


El duque
En 1961, un taxista de 60 años robó el retrato de Goya del duque de Wellington de la National Gallery de Londres. Fue el primer (y sigue siendo el único) robo en la historia de la Galería. Lo que sucedió a continuación se convirtió en algo legendario.
Amongst the desperation and fear growing in a crime ridden estate in northern England, one man becomes embroiled into saving what community life exists.
In Our Name
Suzy's a British soldier, born and bred, but fitting back into civilian life after fighting in Iraq isn't easy. Haunted by the responsibility she feels for the death of an Iraqi child, she becomes obsessed with the safety of her own daughter, feeling the need to protect her against a threat that doesn't seem to exist. As Suzy's paranoia builds, her behaviour becomes more and more erratic, until finally, she puts her own child in serious danger.
¡Qué pasada!
Gerry and Sewell are broke. Gerry's still at school and Sewell is unemployed. They both wish for better things in life. Owning two season tickets to their beloved football club is their biggest dream of all. The tickets cost £1000 - they're £1000 short. But they are nothing if not resourceful, and they set themselves a mission to raise the cash. While they think up increasingly outlandish money making schemes - from selling junk to shoplifting and the odd bit of housebreaking - real life begins to interfere with the pair's final scam going hilariously awry landing them in jail, only to discover that their punishment gets them exactly where they want to be!
Jane Eyre
Grace Poole
Huérfana y abandonada, Jane Eyre tuvo una miserable infancia. Creció en un orfanato. A los dieciocho años se convierte en una mujer de fuertes principios y llega a Thornfield Hall para ocupar el puesto de gobernanta. Allí conoce al hombre que podría ser el amor de su vida, el Sr. Rochester, propietario de Thornfield. A pesar de su actitud indómita y de un misterioso pasado, el Sr. Rochester resulta irresistible para Jane. Pero sus sentimientos no son recíprocos, y Jane Eyre vivirá atormentada por sus constantes flirteos con la rica Blanche... Adaptación televisiva del clásico de Charlotte Brontë.
The Black Velvet Gown
Annie Griston
In the 1830's in northern England, Riah Millican, a widow with three children, takes a job as housekeeper to a reclusive former teacher, Percival Miller. Miller makes Riah the gift of a black velvet gown, and even educates her children. But when Riah discovers the reason behind Miller's gifts, she vows to leave his house, but Miller has a hold on her, even after his death, when he leaves his house to her on the condition that she never marry. Riah's daughter, Biddy, grows up and becomes a laundress in a large house where her education keeps her from fitting in and makes her a target. But it also catches the eye of a son of the house, and with Miller's legacies, Biddy may yet find her way to happiness.
And a Nightingale Sang
Hotel Owner
Set in working class Newcastle, the Stott family fight their private battles against the backdrop of the conflict of World War II. Helen Stott, over thirty and with a limp, is resigned to being left on the shelf until she meets and falls in love with Norman, a serviceman from London. In contrast, her younger sister Joyce has quite a way with men, and finds herself a little too popular with the troops, especially when her husband pops up on leave from his regiment.
Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future
La película presenta a Edison Carter (Matt Frewer), un reportero de televisión que intenta exponer la corrupción y la codicia. En la película, el reportero Carter descubre que su empleador, Network 23, ha creado una nueva forma de publicidad subliminal (denominada "blip-verts") que puede ser fatal para ciertos espectadores.
United Kingdom
Incendiary 1981 Play for Today, written by Jim Allen and directed by Roland Joffé that tells the story of a group of housing estate residents who attempt to organise against persistent rent rises.