Renny Krupinski

Renny Krupinski


Renny Krupinski


Upgrade: Primera clase
Ana, aspirante a becaria en una galería de arte, acaba en primera clase de forma inesperada en un vuelo de trabajo a Londres con su jefa. Mientras se acostumbra a un estilo de vida más cómodo en el avión, conoce al rico y apuesto William y decide alargar la fantasía un poco más de lo que debería.
True West
Fight Choreographer
Often hailed as Sam Shepard’s masterpiece, True West deconstructs the damaged relationship between two estranged brothers who are striving for success. Director Phillip Breen combines comedic elements with unnerving silences in this tension-filled production, captured by Digital Theatre live at the Tricycle Theatre, London.
Soldiers of the damned
Colonel Schwab
Es el Frente Oriental, 1944. Los rusos están empujando el Ejército alemán hacia atrás a través de Rumania. El mayor Kurt Fleischer, comanda una tropa de élite de soldados alemanes y recibe la orden de escoltar a una científica en un bosque misterioso detrás de las líneas enemigas para recuperar una antigua reliquia. Como sus hombres comienzan a desaparecer en extrañas circunstancias, Fleischer se da cuenta de que la científica es parte del departamento de ocultismo de Himmler y hay algo en el bosque que es mucho más letal que los rusos.
The Falklands Play
David Lambie MP (Labour)
The Falklands Play is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1982 Falklands War. The play was written by Ian Curteis, an experienced writer who had started his television career in drama, but had increasingly come to specialise in dramatic reconstructions of history. It was originally commissioned by the BBC in 1983, for production and broadcast in 1986, but was subsequently shelved by Controller of BBC One Michael Grade due to its alleged pro-Margaret Thatcher stance and jingoistic tone. This prompted a press furore over media bias and censorship.The play was not staged until 2002, when it was broadcast in separate adaptations on BBC Television and Radio.
Vacuuming Completely Nude in Paradise
Tommy is a vacuum cleaner salesman gripped by the fever of closing the deal. He lives on puffa rice stored in his glove compartment, listens to motivation tapes of his own voice shouting 'Sell, sell, fucking sell' and his punters are up to their eyes in debt. Even Tommy admits his 'soul's in holes'. He's sure the Golden Vac (the holy grail of vacuum salesmanship) can be his - if only he hadn't been saddled with Pete, a meek sales trainee trying to help his girlfriend quit stripping.
La mandolina del capitán Corelli
German Officer
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Cefalonia (Grecia), 1940. El doctor Iannis (John Hurt) vive en las afueras del pueblo con su hija y alumna Pelagia (Penélope Cruz), la prometida de Mandras (Bale), un pescador que participa en la contienda contra los italianos. Pasan los meses y Pelagia no recibe respuesta a las numerosas cartas que le ha enviado a su novio. Cuando el ejército italiano ocupa Cefalonia, los soldados, que se toman su estancia en la isla como unas vacaciones de verano, se ganan muy pronto la confianza de los nativos, gracias a su alegría, su música y sus ganas de vivir. A cambio de suministros médicos, el doctor Iannis acepta alojar en su casa al capitán Corelli (Nicolas Cage), un hombre lleno de amor por la vida, por la música y por Pelagia..
Oblivion (Alton Towers)
Lord of Darkness
A queue line video for the roller coaster Oblivion, at the Alton Towers resort in Staffordshire, England. In the video, a character named "The Lord of darkness" (Renny Krupinski) tells the rider about the effects the roller coaster will have on their body, before being interrupted by another character, similar to him, but in a negative colour scheme, "The Lord of light" (Renny Krupinski), insisting that the ride is unsafe. A sentiment that is rebuked by The Lord of darkness.
The Frontline
William Armstrong MP
Upon his release from a mental hospital, James re-kindles his relationship with pirate DJ Marion, helping her kick her nasty heroin addiction. However, when Marion is found dead, James and Marion's father hatch a plan to trap and expose the 'protected' killer. A plan that leads to a tense and bloody showdown that will leave you shattered. Filmed in the Moss Side area of Manchester this gritty tale of futility pulls no punches in its graphic depiction of drug addiction, political corruption and society out of control.
Chinese Whispers
Kenny's work as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital isn't just a job, it's a vocation. His special group of patients are his friends - his only friends. When a strange young man is introduced to the group, he threatens the love, discipline and respect that have been the very basis of Kenny's authority, and all that surrounds the institution is scant protection from the madness of the world beyond.
La sombra del delator
Contact Prisoner
Frank Jones, ex combatiente en Corea y actual hombre de negocios, ve como su vida cambia radicalmente al enterarse de la muerte de su hijo Bob, traductor de ruso para los servicios de espionaje británicos. No satisfecho con la versión oficial que le han dado, decide investigar por su cuenta. No descansará hasta averiguar quién asesinó a su hijo.
German Bombardier
Barney y Luke, dos pistoleros del viejo oeste acaban luchando en la primera guerra mundial como bombarderos.
La fortaleza
Wehrmacht Soldier
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un destacamento del ejército alemán se defiende de las tropas aliadas en un paraje montañoso en Rumanía. Allí se acuartelan en una misteriosa fortificación romana, ignorando las advertencias de los lugareños.