Carol Harrison
Nacimiento : 1955-02-08, London, England, UK
Kay Marriott
In 1964, a new phenomenon exploded on to the dingy British streets. It was the essence of all that was cool. It was Mod. Mods stuck two fingers up at the class-ridden society and its dull redundant culture. They were working-class free spirits who rode sexy streamlined Italian Vespas or Lambrettas. The sharpest Mod of all was known as a 'face'. The Small Faces encapsulated all that is Mod, a unique blend of taste and testosterone, neat, clothes obsessed, and street-wise. But these cult sophisticates shared another passion, their dedication to 'Rhythm n Blues.'
In 1964, a new phenomenon exploded on to the dingy British streets. It was the essence of all that was cool. It was Mod. Mods stuck two fingers up at the class-ridden society and its dull redundant culture. They were working-class free spirits who rode sexy streamlined Italian Vespas or Lambrettas. The sharpest Mod of all was known as a 'face'. The Small Faces encapsulated all that is Mod, a unique blend of taste and testosterone, neat, clothes obsessed, and street-wise. But these cult sophisticates shared another passion, their dedication to 'Rhythm n Blues.'
Moff's Mum
Cinco individuos (Jip, Lulu, Koop, Nina y Moff) sobreviven al tedio de sus rutinarios trabajos con el único objetivo de vivir a fondo el fin de semana. Jip y Lulu tienen problemas de pareja: Jip se siente inseguro después de fallar varias veces durante su actuación de esa noche, y el talento de Lulu para arrimarse al sujeto equivocado empieza a deprimirla. Nina y Koop tienen una buena relación (aunque él no confía nada en ella), y Moff, el amigo que les pasa el material, está obsesionado por un subidón rápido.
A man and his wife, who are proprietors of a struggling window-covering business, agree to install curtains in an exclusive club patronized by a wealthy friend of theirs. After completing the job, the shop owner has great difficulty collecting payment for the job. His "friend" becomes scarce and Spall finds he has no legal foot to stand on since there is no written record of the informal transaction. With the couple's business floundering due to mounting debts, and their former friend's crass attitude towards their predicament, anger and frustration reach the boiling point.
Tank is an investigative reporter and jailbird, framed on scant evidence supplied by the London mob. Helen is the sensuous call-girl who offers Tank ammunition and retribution. But, retaliation is swift and brutal, in the guise of Sir Robert Knights and his equally lethal lawyer, Dunboyne. A series of hideous murders follow as the devil protects his own. Only Malling and Helen can halt the onslaught. But, for how long, and at what price?
Neglected by her family, kept apart from her grandchildren, desperately short of money, Bea begins to gamble - at first for small stakes, but ultimately for the highest stake of all: revenge for the past.
Mari londoni barátnője
The film is about a piano player who falls in love with Mari, a beautiful blond woman, who happens to be the wife of a deaf-mute animal caretaker. Both men adore Mari, as she loves both of them. Albeit all of them know this way won't stand.
A woman enlists a man who claims he is gay to accompany her on a long drive to a feminist conference in Munich.
A finales del siglo XIX, el doctor Frederick Treves descubre en un circo a un hombre llamado John Merrick. Se trata de un ciudadano británico con la cabeza monstruosamente deformada, que vive en una situación de constante humillación y sufrimiento al ser exhibido diariamente como una atracción de feria.
Biker Girl (uncredited)
Londres, 1964. El nacimiento de dos sectas juveniles rivales (los "mods" y los "rockers") tiene consecuencias devastadoras. Para Jimmy y sus compinches, una pandilla bien trajeada, adicta a las pastillas y siempre a lomos de sus scooters, ser un mod es una forma de vida, es pertenecer a su generación. La cuadrilla de Jimmy se va a Brighton, dispuesta a vivir una salvaje aventura de drogas, emociones y batallas campales contra los rockers.
Teenager Jimmy's life begins to unravel after the death of his father. With his mother promiscuous and his new stepfather and stepbrother difficult to get along with, he begins to fall into a cycle of petty crime and self harm.