John J. Dalesandro

Nacimiento : 1958-07-07, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Invasión robótica
Un avión que transporta un par de robots militares de alto secreto, se estrella en una isla desierta del Pacífico.Un equipo de la Marina debe encontrarlos y apagarlos lo antes posible, mientras más tiempo se activen, más inteligentes se vuelven.
Aterrizaje forzoso
Gustav, 'Cabin Crew'
Un avión en el que se está celebrando una fiesta de cumpleaños es secuestrado. El oficial de la fuerza aérea que vuela como guardaespaldas tendrá que recuperar el control de la nave.
Escape to Grizzly Mountain
Jimmy, a young boy trying to gain acceptance from his peers, is horrified when he sees a circus trainer abusing a bear cub. One of the circus employees tells Jimmy that there is a magic cave in the hills nearby that can transport people to another time, and that maybe he can use it to help the bear. Jimmy does some exploring, finds the cave, and is amazed to find himself transported back to the early 1800's where he encounters Jeremiah, a nature-loving mountain man with a bear friend of his own. Jeremiah agrees to come to the future and help out Jimmy, but the 21st century is quite different from the 19th, and springing the bear cub will not be as easy as Jeremiah thinks. Not in any way related to the "Grizzly Adams" television series.