Everyone is happy for rising actor GQ Qi – the network, his mother, his best friend – everyone except GQ himself. He is stuck playing an offensive stereotype on a television sitcom, and the day he decides to speak up for himself on set, the executive producer fires him. Struggling to pick up the pieces, he starts dating A-list casting director Rachel. Love and work become intertwined. Their relationship survives the protestations of GQ’s mother and best friend, but starts to show strain as it becomes clear that GQ is unable to land another acting gig. As pressures from work, love and family come to a head, GQ must confront the hard question: How much of himself will he compromise for career success?
Una pareja de recién casados se muda a una pequeña casa de campo. Pronto la pareja se da cuenta de unos sucesos extraños de los que no fueron advertidos por el agente inmobiliario que se la vendió. Lo que comienza como una serie inusual de episodios paranormales, se irá transformando en actos de violencia, lo que los dejara a merced de un espíritu vengativo.
HOW TO BE A SERIAL KILLER is the story of Mike Wilson, a charismatic, educated, and articulate young man who has found his life's purpose in exterminating people. Mike is determined to spread his message about the joy of serial killing and recruits a lost soul named Bart to be his pupil. Mike leads Bart through the ethics of serial killing as well as teaching him various lessons in disposing corp
Cuando lo despiden de su trabajo como fisioterapeuta, Noah Cooper piensa que no puede ocurrirle nada peor. Pero se equivoca. Al llegar a casa, su ya abarrotado hogar se vuelve aún más caótico con la presencia de Marilyn, su dominante madre, que busca un lugar donde refugiarse y que, además, trae consigo a sus cinco perros. A partir de ese momento, Noah deberá aprender a soportar la presión que implica buscar trabajo, que su mujer busque desesperadamente un hijo; y lo que es peor: que su madre no quiera pasar ni un minuto lejos de él.