Maggie Shevlin

Maggie Shevlin


Maggie Shevlin


En primera línea
Mrs Morris
Belfast 1972: Bernie, que es políticamente ingenua, intenta educar a una familia normal en un entorno que no es normal. Su mejor amigo es accidentalmente asesinado a tiros por el IRA, y sus vecinos son constantemente atacados por el ejército. En este clima de miedo, ella se pone de pie y condena los asesinatos. Criticando ambas facciones, su llamado a un alto el fuego se interpreta como un ataque contra el IRA, y cuando su movimiento por la paz toma impulso, ella y su familia se colocan en primera línea.
Venganza equivocada
Irlanda del Norte, poco después del alto al fuego de 1994. Hazel es protestante y Malachy católico. Su romance se ve amenazado por Rohan, que quiere que Malachy se enliste a luchar por la causa y por el hermano de Hazel, quien espía sus reuniones.
A Safe House
Annie Maguire
In the aftermath of the Guildford and Woolwich pub bombings, a large number of people of Irish descent were rounded up for questioning by the police in London. Most were subsequently released. But for the Maguire family, 3 December 1974 was the start of a nightmare that is only now ending.
Too Late to Talk to Billy
Janet Martin
Relationships are strained in a Belfast family, particularly between a father and his son.
Iris in the Traffic, Ruby in the Rain
Two women navigate the challenges of life on a wintry day in 1980s Belfast. While Ruby has a cold and gets caught in the rain, Iris is job-hunting but feels lost in the traffic.
Catchpenny Twist
Marie Kyle
Roy and Martyn want to write the next Irish winner for the Eurovision Song Contest. So who thinks they are working for British Army Intelligence? And why has someone sent them two bullets through the post?