Robert Scull


El Misterio de Anubis: La Piedra de Toque de Ra
Executive Producer
La piedra de toque de Ra se pone al día con los estudiantes de la casa de Anubis en la víspera de su graduación, ya que se encuentran con un nuevo grupo de juniors y una misteriosa piedra que los lleva a una aventura para salvar al mundo del mal.
The Backyardigans: It's Great to Be a Ghost!
Supervising Producer
Rocko's Modern Christmas
Rocko is dreaming of a white Christmas, but all that the clouds can muster is a miserable drenching rain. Rocko is not a wallaby to wallow in woe. He’ll throw a party! Everyone will come, including the new neighbors - a happy houseful of holiday elves. But don’t light the tree just yet because right next door lives Ed Bighead, one of the scroogiest characters ever to inhabit a Christmas tale.