Paul Cummins


Captain Morten and the Spider Queen
A young boy learns to take control over his life when he is shrunk to the size of an insect and has to sail his own toy boat through a flooded café. Morten has to be shrunk down before he can grow up.
SpacePOP: Princess Power
When the evil Empress Geela takes over the Planets of the Pentangle, five teenage princesses escape and disguise themselves as musicians to form a band called SpacePOP. Their mission: Spread the message of freedom, friendship and joy through music. Join the princesses on their adventures as they join the resistance to take down the evil Empress Geela, free their parents, and the people of the Pentangle all while spreading the joy of music, beauty, and fashion.
Norman del norte
Executive Producer
Norman es un oso polar que vive plácidamente en el Ártico, pero sus días de calma llegan a su fin cuando el nevado paisaje se convierte en un lugar turístico.
Blinky Bill, el koala
Executive Producer
Binky Bill es un joven koala aventurero que se embarca en un viaje a través de la Australia más salvaje y peligrosa con el objetivo de encontrar a su padre, al que todos dan por perdido. Por el camino, irá haciendo amigos con los que le será más fácil sobrevivir durante su aventura.