Director of Photography
Michael llega a Nueva York para hacer una visita sorpresa a su hija, a la que no ve desde hace 25 años. Allí es recibido por su viejo amigo Etienne, dueño de un restaurante. Más tarde, se presenta en el consultorio de su hija Lauren, soltera de 30 años, que es psicóloga.
Director of Photography
Carter Harrison, un alto ejecutivo de una empresa norteamericana, conoce en Londres a Toni, una temperamental y bohemia escultora italiana. De forma impulsiva se casan. Pero, cuando descubren que no tienen nada en común y que sus gustos son completamente diferentes, se separan. Siete años más tarde, ella le pide el divorcio para poder casarse con otro.
Director of Photography
Basada en el entrañable libro de Scott O'Dell, esta película familiar narra las aventuras de una joven nativa americana. Tras la muerte de su padre a manos de un malévolo trampero blanco, Karana se une a su comunidad cuando abandonan su isla natal en el Pacífico para vivir en tierra firme. Al partir, Karana se da cuenta de que han dejado atrás a su hermano. Inmediatamente vuelve nadando para estar con él y ambos permanecen en la isla abandonada. Aunque Karana consigue domesticar a un lobo, su hermano no tiene tanta suerte con los animales y es asesinado por una manada de perros salvajes. Karana tiene que sobrevivir contra viento y marea.
Director of Photography
Eileen tiene 22 años y está prometida con Russ. Piensa que, a su edad, es la única chica virgen del planeta, y le confía sus preocupaciones a su hermano Adam, al que va a visitar a Nueva York. En la Gran Manzana Adam, pese a que es un Don Juan, intenta ocultárselo a su hermana, para mantenerla apartada de las tentaciones.
Director of Photography
Los Kwimper se disponen a pasar sus vacaciones en una playa de Florida; allí conocerán a los dueños de una propiedad idónea para practicar la pesca. El azar los llevará al negocio del alquiler de embarcaciones para los amantes de esta actividad, aunque la competencia intentará desbaratar su floreciente negocio. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
A 25 minute sales film featuring Buster Keaton as a prospective home owner in Maryvale, a suburb of Phoenix. A Realtor takes Buster on a tour of some model tract homes and extols their virtues while Buster is constantly pursuing a sexy-looking blonde. After buying a home, Buster proceeds to wreak havoc in the community. He falls into another resident's pool with a shopping cart full of purchases from S. S. Kresge's, knocks over an unassuming waiter with a bowling ball at the local lanes and tries his hand at being a waiter a ritzy restaurant. The construction of the new hospital and golf course are then discussed, and the films ends with a panoramic view of the model tract homes.
Director of Photography
Every year the Chincoteague fire department rounds up the wild ponies of Assateague Island and holds an auction to thin out the herd. The young children set out to raise enough money in hopes that the Phantom will be caught in this years round up. They soon realize they will get more than they bargained for when the Phantom has a surprise for everyone: a foal named Misty.
Director of Photography
The admiral is coming, so a sailor and his buddy hide their girlfriend and pet turkey.
Director of Photography
An anthropology professor and his professor wife have the perfect marriage--until a Swedish colleague's daughter comes to visit. Not only is the little girl all grown up, but she's ready to start a family--with him!
Director of Photography
Alfred Eaton (Paul Newman), un joven ambicioso que quiere conseguir las cosas por sí mismo sin deberle nada a su padre, se casa con una joven (Woodward) de una buena familia de Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). Poco a poco, Alfred empieza a prosperar, llegando incluso a trabajar en Wall Street, pero su matrimonio no funciona como esperaba.
Director of Photography
En una vieja librería, el profesor Lidenbrock descubre un extraño manuscrito de un científico llamado Arne Sakuusen, en el que describe un fantástico y maravilloso viaje al centro de la Tierra. El profesor Lidenbrock cuenta a su sobrino Glauben y a su prometida Axel el descubrimiento del manuscrito, y los tres deciden emprender el viaje siguiendo las indicaciones de Sakuusen. Comienzan entonces la aventura internándose en un volcán inactivo por el que descienden hacia el centro de la Tierra. En el viaje tendrán que solventar algunos problemas y sus vidas correrán peligro al enfrentarse a terremotos y tormentas subterráneas.
Director of Photography
Two naive high-school students must deal with the unexpected consequences after a night of passion.
Director of Photography
El padre Conroy tiene una parroquia que sirve a la comunidad. Cuando uno de sus feligreses enferma demasiado para trabajar, su hija Holly encuentra trabajo en un club de baile de carácter cuestionable, dirigido por Tony Vincent.
Director of Photography
Tres amantes de las carreras de caballos se dedican a robar para aplacar su adicción al juego.
Director of Photography
A punto de terminar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una atractiva joven alemana llamada Erika Angermann (Dana Wynter) comenzará a sentir que su vida ha entrado en un sendero oscuro en el que se avecinan una serie de desventuras. Entre tanto, sigue guardando la esperanza de que aparezca su antiguo prometido, un militar del ejército alemán, pero será cuando se reencuentre con el Mayor americano Foster McLain, que abrirá para ella un nuevo camino.
Director of Photography
Después de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), Jake Barnes vaga sin rumbo por Europa en busca de emociones que compensen la impotencia que le ha causado una herida de guerra. En París encuentra a Lady Brett Ashley, que lo había ayudado a recuperarse de sus heridas durante la guerra. Jake se marcha a Pamplona con su amigo Bill a vivir los Sanfermines. Lady Brett y algunos amigos ya están allí. La tensión entre los hombres va en aumento, pues todos desean a Lady Brett; pero ella se interesa por el joven matador de toros Pedro Romero.
Director of Photography
El gran Elvis Presley debuta en el cine con este western, ambientado tras la guerra civil americana, en el que dos hermanos se enamoran de la misma mujer. "El rey" interpreta 4 canciones, entre ellas la del título.
Director of Photography
Sam Gifford, un terrateniente del Sur casado con la hija de un coronel, y que trata mal a sus trabajadores de la plantación de algodón que posee, comprende lo equivocado de su postura al tener que enrolarse en las tropas americanas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, donde tiene que compartir tristezas y penalidades con compañeros de todas las capas sociales.
Director of Photography
Cuando comienza la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Mamie (Jane Russell), una atractiva prostituta de San Francisco, se instala en Hawaii. A pesar de que sus perspectivas parecen mejorar cuando se enamora de un escritor de ciencia- ficción (Richard Egan), tanto la guerra como su pasado complicarán la relación.
Director of Photography
Edad Antigua, Mongolia. El señor de la guerra Temujin debe luchar contra un clan rival que ha asesinado a su padre. Pero el guerrero vive dominado por otras preocupaciones: su vida familiar se puede ver amenazada por su deseo de conquistar el corazón de una prisionera tártara, la pelirroja Bortai, que fue capturada en un acto de pillaje. También debe hacer frente a varias intrigas palaciegas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
TV writer Greg Whitcomb did his military service heroically but now has settled into everyday life with a young wife, Katy. A letter from the war department arrives that Katy believes is calling Greg back to active duty from the Air Force reserve, but she hides it during a party celebrating their wedding anniversary.
Director of Photography
Recién terminada la Guerra Civil americana (1861-1865), dos hombres se proponen la difícil tarea de conducir ganado desde Texas hasta Montana. Para ello deberán luchar contra los forajidos, los indios y la propia Naturaleza. Uno de ellos, Ben Allison (Gable), ayudado por su hermano Clint (Cameron Mitchell), se propone conseguir una gran fortuna robando ganado. Pero para ello tendrá que asociarse con Nathan Stark (Ryan), un importante ganadero que tiene que conducir una gran manada. Durante el peligroso viaje, entre ellos surgirá, además, una gran rivalidad por el amor de la hermosa Nella (Jane Russell)
Director of Photography
Tras sufrir el país una grave crisis económica, millares de irlandeses hambrientos se ven obligadas a emigrar. Katie O'Neill y su marido Shawn Kildare deciden ir a África del Sur. Después de la muerte de Shawn a manos de los zulúes, Katie se encuentra con Paul Van Riebeck, un cabecilla de los bóer (colono holandés) que había conocido en Irlanda.
Director of Photography
Cuando el fotógrafo Louis Hoyt (Gene Barry) desaparece en la China comunista, su mujer Jane (Susan Hayward) contrata en Hong Kong a Hank Lee (Clark Gable), un simpático contrabandista, para encontrarlo. A partir de entonces, ambos vivirán una serie de vicisitudes que los unirán cada vez más.
Director of Photography
London, 1888: on the night of the third Jack the Ripper killing, soft-spoken Mr. Slade, a research pathologist, takes lodgings with the Harleys, including a gloomy attic room for "experiments." Mrs. Harley finds Slade odd and increasingly suspects the worst; her niece Lily (star of a decidedly Parisian stage revue) finds him interesting and increasingly attractive. Is Lily in danger, or are her mother's suspicions merely a red herring?
Director of Photography
Cuando la sobrina de Whitney Cameron fallece, un matrimonio amigo le sugiere que por los síntomas que presentó pudiera haber sido envenenada. Whitney, pensando en el otro sobrino que sigue al cuidado de su madrastra, y a pesar del afecto que se tienen, da parte a la policía.
Director of Photography
The story of president Andrew Jackson from his early years, through his meeting with and subsequent marriage to Rachel Donelson Robards. The plot concentrates on the later scandal concerning the legality of their marriage and how they overcame the difficulties.
Director of Photography
Gus (George Winslow) ha decidido empezar una nueva vida junto a su padre (Richard Widmark). Cuando todo parece ir sobre ruedas e incluso el padre se hace novio de la maestra de Gus, su esposa pide la custodia del niño, dando así lugar a una batalla legal.
Director of Photography
When a man confesses to his wife that he has been unfaithful, she imagines all the different ways that historical figures such as Cleopatra and Joan of Arc might handle the situation.
Director of Photography
El juez de paz Melvin Bush casa a varias parejas antes de que su ingreso en la magistratura sea oficial. Años después, esos matrimonios se enteran de que sus bodas no son válidas.
Director of Photography
El mundo entero queda conmocionado el día en que, sin previo aviso, un O.V.N.I. aterriza en Washington y de él sale Klaatu, un alienígena de aspecto humano, acompañado de Gort, un androide. Klaatu pide reunirse simultáneamente con todos los gobernantes de la Tierra, para entregarles un mensaje muy importante, pero su petición es rechazada. Klaatu se da cuenta de que necesita comprender mejor cómo viven los humanos y, para ello, se hospeda en la casa de una mujer, madre de un chico, con el que Klaatu traba amistad.
Director of Photography
Un preso, condenado por un crimen que no ha cometido, se escapa de una cárcel de Nevada acompañado de varios criminales peligrosos. Su propósito es encontrar al verdadero culpable. Sin embargo, al detenerse en un pueblo, debido a una intensa tormenta de nieve, encuentran sólo a un grupo de aguerridas mujeres, que aguardan el regreso de sus hombres. Entonces se le plantea un dilema: seguir buscando a su enemigo o proteger a las mujeres de sus depravados compañeros.
Director of Photography
La biografía del valiente campeón de golf Ben Hogan.
Director of Photography
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que David Ramsey era un abogado sin clientes. En la actualidad, gracias a la habilidad y a la ambición de su mujer, Joyce, disfruta de una sólida reputación y una envidiable posición económica. Sin embargo, el matrimonio de David y Joyce ha tocado fondo.
Director of Photography
En la iglesia se está celebrando la boda de Ellen y David, pero en el momento en que el sacerdote pronuncia la frase "Si alguien conoce alguna razón por la que este enlace no deba celebrarse..." un hombre se levanta y afirma que Ellen ya está casada. Se descubrirá entonces que, en otro tiempo, tuvo un marido que fue asesinado y resulta que todos los indicios la convierten en sospechosa.
Director of Photography
Two sisters fall in love with the same man. After the wedding, the new husband realizes he may have married the wrong sister.
Director of Photography
Una secretaria de Nueva York, rubia, muy sexy, pero algo tonta, se empeña en ayudar a un par de cómicos amigos suyos a encontrar trabajo.
Director of Photography
Año 1849, en Nueva York. Catherine Sloper, una rica heredera, tímida, inocente, poco agraciada y no muy joven, es pretendida por un apuesto joven. Ella se enamora de él apasionadamente, pero su cruel y despótico padre se opone a la boda y amenaza con desheredarla...
Director of Photography
John Hoyt plays a high-ranking Nazi being prosecuted by an army tribunal in the aftermath of World War II. Sentenced to death, the general appeals to the American investigating Major (Ray Milland), claiming mitigating circumstances, and providing the names of witnesses who will clear his name. This sends the Major in a search through the ruins of post-war Germany to determine the degree of the general's guilt.
Director of Photography
Una escritora recién casada acaba internada en un psiquiátrico debido a un recuerdo que le atormenta. El trato recibido en el hospital no hace sino empeorar su estado mental.
Director of Photography
Después de catorce años en prisión, Frankie abandona la prisión para reencontrarse con su hermano Dave para reclamar su parte del club acordado 14 años atras
Director of Photography
El teniente Scott Burnett, del servicio de guardacostas, sufre todavía de pesadillas en su estado convaleciente, pero está decidido a casarse con su novia Eve y comenzar una nueva vida. Un día, paseando por la playa, se encuentra con una mujer, Peggy, casada con un famoso pintor, Tod Butler, que quedó ciego tras una acalorada discusión con su esposa. Scott y Peggy enseguida se enamoran, pero ella se siente culpable por lo que hizo y no quiere abandonar a su marido. Sin embargo, Scott cree que Tod finge su ceguera para mantener a su esposa a su lado.
Director of Photography
Rip Murdock (Bogart) es un ex-soldado que intenta averiguar quién ha tendido una trampa a su amigo Johnny, acusándolo de asesinato y matándolo después. Investigando el oscuro pasado de su compañero durante la guerra, llega hasta Coral Chandler, la antigua novia de Johnny; pero, cautivado por su belleza, se deja atrapar en una maraña de mentiras.
Director of Photography
Poco antes de Pearl Harbour, el oportunista americano David Jones y su socio Johnny Sparrow están en China para vender petróleo al ejército japonés invasor, sin importarle el sufrimiento de los chinos. Durante un viaje a Shanghai, Jones conoce a la compasiva maestra Carolyn Grant y las chispas no tardan en saltar entre estos personajes de fuerte voluntad. Pero cuando Jones es testigo de una atrocidad japonesa, sus sentimientos hacia sus clientes (y Carolyn) comienzan a cambiar...
Director of Photography
Un grupo de jóvenes y hambrientos actores se unen para compartir finanzas y un apartamento. Norman Reese (William Holden) prohíbe que haya amoríos entre los chicos y las chicas hasta que no se hayan abierto camino en la escena, pero Marge Benson (Barbara Britton) y Tony Dennison (James Beown) ya están casados en secreto. Una amiga se deja caer por el lugar para ver a Dottie Coburn (Martha O'Driscoll), se queda muy asombrada de ver que chicos y chicas comparten el mismo apartamento, e insiste que es su deber informar al padre de Dottie (Jay Fassett.) de estos hechos.
Director of Photography
La protagonista se ve involucrada en un enredo donde se las tendrá que ver con abogados, políticos y otras profesiones nada recomendables.
Director of Photography
Después de probar fortuna en Nueva York y no tener éxito, Susan Applegate decide regresar a su pueblo en Iowa. Previendo esta situación había reservado 27,50$ para el tren, pero como la tarifa ha aumentado decide disfrazarse de niña de 12 años para pagar la mitad. Los revisores del tren dudan que en realidad sea una niña y para escapar de ellos entra en el camarote de un apuesto militar, el Mayor del título, y es donde comienzan los enredos.
Director of Photography
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
Director of Photography
Pop, un guardia de seguridad de Paramount le dijo a su hijo que él es el jefe del estudio. Las cosas se vuelven más complicadas cuando Pop acepta organizar un espectáculo para la Marina protagonizado por las principales estrellas de la Paramount.
Director of Photography
A girl, Carol whom the audience is quickly informed "has been around," and her father arrive to take over the business management of an island in the Bahamas owned by Adrian Ainsworth, descendant of many ancestors who have handled it over the years to the satisfaction of its 250 native residents. He is married to a woman who stays away from the island because she is lonely when there. Adrian doesn't want Carol or her father there, and they don't want to be there. Romance can't be lurking far behind the beautiful sunset.
Director of Photography
Georges Iscovescu (Charles Boyer), un seductor europeo que quiere residir en los Estados Unidos, decide casarse con una romántica e ingenua maestra norteamericana (Olivia de havilland) para conseguir el permiso de residencia.
Director of Photography
Henry Aldrich wants to win a trip to Alaska.
Director of Photography
Un inglés que vive retirado, lejos del mundanal ruido, tendrá que enfrentarse con tres peligrosos personajes para ayudar a una muchacha que se encuentra en una difícil situación.
Director of Photography
Broadway producer Nickie North and press agent Scoop Trimble find an investor for their next show who insists that they cast his ex-girlfriend, Clarice Sheldon, in the lead role and rehearse out of town. The crew set up on a family farm, and all is well until the leading man falls for the farmer's daughter, Patience Bingham. When flighty starlet Sheldon finds out he has a new girlfriend, she takes off, leaving North and Trimble to find a new leading lady.
Director of Photography
A playwright has his career ruined when he is drunk on the first night. His wife dies having left him, and when his daughter triumphs in the revival of the play he dies contented.
Director of Photography
An egotistical boxer romances a rich backer's daughter.
Director of Photography
A Chinese-American surgeon faces a moral dilemma after operating on the mob boss in charge of vice and protection rackets in her city's Chinatown.
Director of Photography
John, un joven e hipocondríaco multimillonario, se halla en un balneario de los Alpes cuando su médico le dice que sólo le quedan 30 días de vida. Deseando librarse del acoso de una viuda sin escrúpulos, John acuerda una boda express y de conveniencia con Mickey, una muchacha tejana que tiene novio pero cuyo padre quiere enlazar con un príncipe local corrupto y arruinado.
Director of Photography
The Arkansas Traveler, an itinerant printer, returns to a small town to help save The Daily Record, a newspaper started by Mr. Allen, an old friend who is now deceased.
Director of Photography
Band tries to get an audition for a job at a prestigious nightclub.
Director of Photography
Michael Brandon (Gary Cooper) es un millonario malcriado y mujeriego que ha tenido siete esposas, todas atraídas por su fortuna. En una tienda de la Riviera conoce a Nicole de Loiselle (Claudette Colbert), pero en un principio ella le rechaza. El caso es que Nicole, hija de una familia de nobles franceses venidos a menos, decide, a instancias de su padre, aceptar finalmente la proposición de matrimonio de Brandon, pero deja claro que lo hace sólo por su dinero. Estrenada en Marzo de 1938.
Director of Photography
In 1890, two British expatriates, Robert Herrick and Huish, and German Captain Jakob Thorbecke, are commissioned to sail a Yankee schooner called The Golden State , whose captain and crew have died of smallpox. From Tehua in the South Seas to Australia, they are to deliver a cargo of champagne. Thorbecke decides to head for Peru, however, so he can sell the merchandise and pocket the money. While sailing, Faith Wishart, daughter of the deceased captain, comes out of her hiding place on board and, by briefly holding Thorbecke at gunpoint, demands he make the delivery.
Director of Photography
When Dr. Ernest Tindal's wife is murdered, evidence mounts to convict her lover, Frank Marian. But Frank knows he didn't do it.....
Director of Photography
Kay Denham is off for a fling in Paris, leaving her suitor Berk behind. There, she meets two new suitors, Gene and George. Gene smooth-talks her into a junket to Switzerland, but George (with no illusions about his friend) appoints himself chaperone. Through a series of slapstick winter sports, Kay remains puzzled about George's disapproval of Gene...but there's a reason.
Director of Photography
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Director of Photography
Carrie Snyder is a prostitute, who is forced out of the fictional southern town of Crebillon, after forming a friendship with a young boy named Paul, whose dying mother is unable to protest against her son visiting such a woman. After Carrie has left town Paul runs away from his abusive father, and meets a girl named Lady who has run away from a burning trainwreck, not wanting to go back to the people she was with. Carrie comes back for Paul and ends up taking Paul and Lady to New York with her.
Director of Photography
After saving himself from hanging, Laramie Nelson saves Tracks Williams from the same fate. They then travel to Lindsay's ranch where they get jobs. There they run into Adams who they learn is planning to rustle Lindsay's horses.
Director of Photography
Johnny Dime has aspiration of becoming a "G-Man" , gums up the work of Rogan, an actual government agent is his pursuit of Public Enemy No. 1. Dimes ambitious goal is to improve his "F" rating to a "G". His sweetheart, Evelyn hopes to not get shot in the process.
Director of Photography
A Florida-bound train is filled with romance and intrigue in this comedy. Among the passengers is a millionaire bon vivant carrying $1 million in diamonds.
Director of Photography
It is California in 1852 that only recently being surrendered by Mexico to the United States and admitted into the union. Most of the land-owners of California were the descendants of the Dons who had colonized it a hundred years before and whose title deeds bore the signature and seal of a long-dead Spanish king. But, by a loop-hole in the law, the title-deeds of the Dons could not be recognized, and this opened the door of organized gangs of land-grabbers, such as the one led by Joe Kincaid, to operate with a prime excuse for legitimate plunder and robbery. In most cases the law was unable to cope with the situation. Then Rosita Castro, the daughter of Don Pasqual Castro, masked and disguised as a man, organized a band of vigilantes to fight against the tyranny of the outlaws, aided by an undercover federal agent, Jim Kearney.
Director of Photography
A penniless socialite is hired by two young men as a front in their plan to start a magazine. Soon, however, they find themselves more interested in her than in their publishing venture.
Director of Photography
El propietario de una emisora de radio es secuestrado por una admiradora, una condesa insaciable.
Director of Photography
A young girl runs away from her carnival family to make it in New York and becomes involved with a young songwriter.
Director of Photography
The story deals with the college rivalry of a piccolo player and an All-American halfback on the football team who both love the same co-ed. After graduation they carry their their feud and collegiate ideas over into the department store business.
Director of Photography
When vaudeville performer Florette Faxon is left penniless with her six-year-old son Jimmy, she relies on the friendship of fellow performer Bud Hannigan to help her get a job. Bud is reluctant to become her partner, as he has proven to himself to be unreliable in relationships, but he tells her to call him whenever she needs help. While working in a beer garden, Florette meets Hap Stanley, an avaricious performer who marries her to get the rights to perform her show routine. Hap dislikes Jimmy and eventually convinces Florette to send him away to school. Both Jimmy and Florette are broken-up over being apart, but Jimmy pretends it is what he wants so Florette can be happy with Hap.
Director of Photography
Jack Oakie stars as seedy sideshow barker Nicky, who uses everyone he meets to get ahead. Nicky isn't even above exploiting his singing sweetheart Lily (Dorothy Dell) to suit his purposes, but this time it is he who ends up the loser -- at least until he gets wise to himself.
Director of Photography
Un detective (Victor McLaglen) investiga una serie de asesinatos en el marco de un espectáculo musical que acaba de estrenarse.
Director of Photography
Un bailarín, Raoul, llega a primera figura de un night club con la determinación de llegar a ser el número uno y obtener el amor de la única mujer que le importa. Cuando parece que lo va a lograr, estalla la Primera Guerra Mundial y es enviado al frente...
Director of Photography
In this comedy, a Tennessee art school student wins a scholarship to paint in Paris. He is thrilled until he arrives and discovers that his style is hopelessly passe and is considered trashy. The enterprising artist immediately changes style and begins painting highly-abstract moderns.
Director of Photography
La atrevida Tira trabaja como bailarina y domadora de leones en una feria. Debido a una necesidad urgente de dinero, acepta realizar un peligroso nuevo número: meter la cabeza en la boca de un león. Con esta atracción, el circo llega a Nueva York y Tira puede dedicarse a su ocupación preferida: flirtear con hombres ricos y aceptar regalos caros.
Director of Photography
Un profesor y la estrella del equipo de fútbol americano se enamoran de la misma chica.
Director of Photography
Generational saga about a failed streetcar conductor, who finds success as an Atlantic City fortune teller, and his son. Drama.
Director of Photography
A mother wishes for the return of her dead son, a wish that is granted by the severed paw of a dead monkey.
Director of Photography
Caballeros de buena posición económica son reclutados por Kay Everly para que participen en una partida de póker con Jerry Stewart, un jugador profesional. La partida está estrechamente vigilada por el detective Collins, pero no consigue pruebas que le permitan arrestarlos.
Theatre Play
A Lieutenant is wrongly accused of cowardice
Director of Photography
Trece mujeres que fueron compañeras de escuela piden a un swami que les haga sus horóscopos. Las noticias que reciben no son buenas para ninguna de ellas…
Director of Photography
Poster escribe una columna de chismes para el Morning Gazette. Él escribirá sobre cualquiera y todos, siempre y cuando obtenga el rédito. Obtiene la mayor parte de su información de su chica, Peggy, que es una corista.
Director of Photography
Corrupt alcoholic attorney Tom Cardigan is one of the best lawyers around, commanding the courtroom like a stage and often winning his cases. Mobster Valentine Powers, who employs Cardigan and put him through school, asks him to represent a woman, June Perry, accused of prostitution. Cardigan agrees. But he never expected to fall for her, which is problematic since he's angling to become governor and will need the right kind of wife.
Director of Photography
El doctor Felix Klauber es un médico que se crió en el seno de una familia judía en uno de los barrios más marginales de Nueva York. Gracias a su duro trabajo se ha convertido en un rico doctor de Park Avenue. Un día le llaman para que opere a su padre, Meyer Klauber, de un pequeño tumor, pero un error fatal acaba con la vida de éste.
Director of Photography
When World War I comes to an end, three pilots find themselves on hard times. They wind up in Hollywood, where they work as stunt fliers for a sadistic director.
Director of Photography
Girl of the Rio finds the gorgeous Dolores del Rio as a cabaret dancer in the employment of slick gambler, Leo Carrillo, who has his eye on the beauty. When she falls for Norman Foster, Carrillo has him locked away. Del Rio must use her smarts to ensure her man is safely freed.
Director of Photography
¨Un buen chico sin antecedentes comete un robo, mata a un anciano y termina en el corredor de la muerte. Las autoridades tratan de averiguar qué lo llevó a cometerlo.
Director of Photography
Captain Orloff is sent to Bucharest to capture a Mata Hari type of spy, but many different women fit the bill and are attractive enough to make one question one's allegiance.
Director of Photography
A salesman gets in trouble with a party girl and a debutante in Detroit.
Director of Photography
When British mining engineer Robert Maury is sent to India on an extended business trip, his wife Elsie finds romance with a Spanish playboy.
Director of Photography
A New York playboy, Wayne Carter, dates wild women until he falls for a hard-working stenographer, Helene Andrews.
Director of Photography
A wealthy London nobleman hires a pretty but poor young girl to distract his playboy son from marrying a golddigger. Complications ensue when the girl and the father begin to fall for each other, and things get even more complicated when the son declares his love for her, too.
Director of Photography
The hapless king of a small European nation must put up with a domineering queen, a daughter who wants to elope with her boyfriend, a peasant revolt and a scheming general.
Director of Photography
A salmon fisherman has to choose between a bad girl and a society doll.
Director of Photography
Johnny Quinlan is so desperate for a job that he takes a gig as a "bag man" for the mob. Meanwhile, his beleaguered wife has to deal with her bizarre, unemployed, wise-cracking brother and various neighbors while keeping house in their Brooklyn tenement.
Director of Photography
Mary Gray elopes to Atlantic City, NJ, but begins having second thoughts about the marriage. Then she becomes inexplicably locked in her hotel room, and a series of cops, robbers and kidnappers passes through. Desperate, Mary trusts the shifty chambermaid Clara who whisks her away to the mansion of wealthy George Blaine. There, Mary must pretend to be a lowly cook, but that seems better than sticking with the guy she was engaged to.
Director of Photography
Josie, a New York showgirl with a mind of her own and a heart of gold, finds herself stranded on the island of Fiji. While seeking a way home she is befriended by a local man who gets her a job working as a barmaid at The Bamboo Bar. There she meets an alcoholic World War I veteran who is haunted by his wartime experiences and has an irrational fear of fire. Under her concerned care, he begins to recover and they fall in love. But then her jealous self-appointed boyfriend forces the veteran to participate in a traditional Fijian fire-walking ritual. To overcome his terror he must walk across 20 feet of burning coals and fight his rival to reach Josie's loving arms.
Director of Photography
Peggy and Bill are high society lovebirds, but their marriage plans are put on hold while Peggy spends most of her summer straightening out her wayward parents and her unlucky-in-love sister Janet. Mama and Papa are set to rights fairly quickly, but Janet's the one with real problems. It seems she sent some compromising love letters to a worthless cad, and now the bounder wants to use the letters for blackmail. Peggy's friend Roger and his flapper sweetheart Tootie hatch an elaborate plan to retrieve the incriminating letters and salvage Janet's reputation.
Director of Photography
A homeless and destitute violinist joins a combo to bring it success, but has problems with her love life.
Theatre Play
A lieutenant is branded a coward after saving a beleaguered fort for an amnesiac major.
Director of Photography
Telephone operator Kitty O'Brien can't help but get involved in the problems of her customers. Right now she is concerning herself with the well-being of Tom Blake, the honest son of crooked political boss Jim Blake.
Director of Photography
Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifestyle of his neighbor, the nouveau riche Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby's circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.