William Ross


Pink Lady's Motion Picture
An awkward attempt to build a movie around Pink Lady, the name given to a Japanese pop music duo consisting of the very pretty short-haired Mie and the long-haired Kei. Their popularity in Japan lasted from 1976 to 1979 before their attempt to break into the American market with the ill-fated TV show, "Pink Lady and Jeff" (1980), which wound up setting back the cause of J-pop in America by nearly 30 years. Pink Lady they gained a certain amount of attention from the sexy disco-inspired outfits they wore in concert, generally featuring shiny scanty tops, tight hot pants and gold or silver boots, seen to good advantage in some segments of the movie. This musical features the Pink Ladies as circus performers who show kindness toward a captured "monster," a sad, furry being (played by a man in a bulky, over-sized pink acrylic costume) who suffers acts of unusual cruelty by the keeper and ringmaster before the girls escape with the creature in a circus trailer.
Galaxias año 2000
Dr. Schmidt
La Tierra es víctima de una feroz invasión procedente del planeta Venus. La única esperanza es la creación de un afamado científico japonés, él ha construído el Gothen, una nave espacial con la que podrá salvar el planeta.
The Last Dinosaur
Hal - Mother 1 Technician
Wealthy big game hunter (Boone), along with his group, gets trapped in pre-historic times where they are stalked by a ferocious dinosaur.
The Alaska Story
A Japanese sailor finds a colony of Eskimos in the Arctic and decides to stay with them. He comes off at a certain moment to look for his luck in the gold rush in Alaska. But he does not forget them.
Graveyard of Honor
A look at the life of renegade yakuza, Rikio Ishikawa, particularly the years from 1946 to 1950 when his violent antics get him in trouble with his own clan, Kawada, and then with the clan of his protector, Kozaburo Imai. In these years, he can rely on Chieko, a young Tokyo courtesan who gives him shelter. He's banished to Osaka, where he picks up a drug habit. Through it all, he keeps his friends and enemies off balance with unpredictable behavior - and he seems indestructible.
Tanner's Guard
La Yakuza es una mafia japonesa cuyo origen se remonta al siglo XVII. Utiliza los mismos métodos que las mafias occidentales y, como ellas, controla los negocios más turbios: la prostitución, el blanqueo de dinero, el contrabando, etc. Después de la Revolución Meijí (1868), que supuso la occidentalización del Japón, muchos samuráis pasaron a engrosar las filas de esta organización. Harry Kilman, un hombre que formó parte de las tropas de ocupación estadounidenses en Japón, vuelve a este país para ayudar a un amigo cuya hija ha sido secuestrada.
Comando en el mar de China
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En la primavera de 1942, japoneses y aliados ocupan una isla del Pacífico. Un grupo de soldados ingleses son enviados a una misión casi suicida detrás de las líneas enemigas, pero las cosas no salen según lo previsto.
Patrulla de rescate
Capt. Jerry Cooper
La acción se desarrolla en torno a una operación de rescate que se organiza en atención a los supervivientes de un tifón desatado en la costa japonesa.
Japanese comedy film.
Japanese comedy film.
Enigmatic Explosion of the Battleship Mutsu
During the naval battle of Midway in WWII, the battleship Mutsu was in its home port in Japan. The ship's officers and crew were frustrated at not being able to take part in the fighting. They had been held back by orders from the Naval Ministry, but there was also a plot by saboteurs, who were trying to prevent the sailing of the Mutsu. Director Komori developed a suspenseful plot by including a fictional adaptation of the Russian spy Richard Sorge, who had been captured in Japan and subsequently executed. Komori brings a fictional Russian spy to the screen by portraying him as a military attaché at the German embassy. As Germany was an ally of Japan in WWII, a secret agent being a mole in the German embassy is a perfect cover. The interaction of the saboteurs and the officers and crew of the Mutsu make an exciting story.
Maria of the Ant Village
Alongside Tokyo's Sumida River is a ragpickers' settlement known as Ant Village. One night, a young Catholic girl, Satoko Kitahara, who has been baptized under the name of Maria, comes to offer her services. However, Ant Village is not just an ordinary vagrants' community but a fine autonomous organization, and as the municipal authorities have long been demanding that the people of Ant Village leave the site, Satoko is utilized to publicize the Village and win public sympathy. While being utilized in this manner, Satoko is nevertheless glad to be able to help the people of Ant Village, especially the children, and when the summer vacation comes she decides to take the children on an excursion to Hakone. To raise funds for this purpose she becomes a rag-picker herself.
Lt. Miles