A female athlete at a small Christian college works hard to overcome long odds in trying to win a national title in the 800 meter run. "The Perfect Race" is a follow up movie to "Remember The Goal".
A female athlete at a small Christian college works hard to overcome long odds in trying to win a national title in the 800 meter run. "The Perfect Race" is a follow up movie to "Remember The Goal".
A female athlete at a small Christian college works hard to overcome long odds in trying to win a national title in the 800 meter run. "The Perfect Race" is a follow up movie to "Remember The Goal".
Un hombre que trabajó de misionero en áfrica regresa a los Estados Unidos para compartir con un cristiano cuyo nombre es David Williams. El misionero africano le expresa a David su preocupación por que cree que la iglesia en América está en peligro, que los creyentes están siendo engañados y que muchos de estos creyentes no son de fiar. Luego de que David escuchara el relato del misionero, decide darle un giro a su vida para predicar la palabra de Dios a quienes lo necesiten en su ciudad.
Un hombre que trabajó de misionero en áfrica regresa a los Estados Unidos para compartir con un cristiano cuyo nombre es David Williams. El misionero africano le expresa a David su preocupación por que cree que la iglesia en América está en peligro, que los creyentes están siendo engañados y que muchos de estos creyentes no son de fiar. Luego de que David escuchara el relato del misionero, decide darle un giro a su vida para predicar la palabra de Dios a quienes lo necesiten en su ciudad.
Un hombre que trabajó de misionero en áfrica regresa a los Estados Unidos para compartir con un cristiano cuyo nombre es David Williams. El misionero africano le expresa a David su preocupación por que cree que la iglesia en América está en peligro, que los creyentes están siendo engañados y que muchos de estos creyentes no son de fiar. Luego de que David escuchara el relato del misionero, decide darle un giro a su vida para predicar la palabra de Dios a quienes lo necesiten en su ciudad.
A new female coach fresh out of college takes over the cross country program at an all girls private Christian school and tries to lead them to their first state title.
A new female coach fresh out of college takes over the cross country program at an all girls private Christian school and tries to lead them to their first state title.
Una estudiante cristiana se enfrenta a sus creencias cuando asiste a sus clases de biología y su padre interviene para que no abandone su fe.
Una estudiante cristiana se enfrenta a sus creencias cuando asiste a sus clases de biología y su padre interviene para que no abandone su fe.
Amigos adolescentes, Steve, Carrie, Cooper y Gameboy se embarcan en un viaje de campamento de fin de semana dirigido por el líder de su grupo juvenil de la iglesia Stuart (Sean Astin) y su esposa Beth (Erin Bethea). Junto a ellos se encuentra Ashley, una niña rica e independiente, cuya actitud causa una gran conmoción dentro del grupo, específicamente entre ella y Carrie. Sin embargo, antes de que se descontrole demasiado, Stuart aprovecha la oportunidad para compartir con los niños la historia bíblica increíblemente poderosa de Oseas; una historia de fe inamovible, compromiso impecable y amor impenetrable.
Amigos adolescentes, Steve, Carrie, Cooper y Gameboy se embarcan en un viaje de campamento de fin de semana dirigido por el líder de su grupo juvenil de la iglesia Stuart (Sean Astin) y su esposa Beth (Erin Bethea). Junto a ellos se encuentra Ashley, una niña rica e independiente, cuya actitud causa una gran conmoción dentro del grupo, específicamente entre ella y Carrie. Sin embargo, antes de que se descontrole demasiado, Stuart aprovecha la oportunidad para compartir con los niños la historia bíblica increíblemente poderosa de Oseas; una historia de fe inamovible, compromiso impecable y amor impenetrable.
Dustin, Albert y Mark son mejores amigos y como todo joven a los doce anos no piensan sino en todo lo que podrán disfrutar durante el verano de 1970. Cuando Dustin se compromete a cortar el césped de Justin Sperry, el septuagenario que conoce de vista de la iglesia, una amistad única inicia entre ellos. ¡Los acontecimientos del resto del verano quedarán grabados en la memoria de Dustin y sus amigos!
A 47 year old Christian man on the other side of an unwanted divorce thinks back on his first love from high school and wants to see her again.
A 47 year old Christian man on the other side of an unwanted divorce thinks back on his first love from high school and wants to see her again.
A 47 year old Christian man on the other side of an unwanted divorce thinks back on his first love from high school and wants to see her again.
Three factory workers make their routine stop at a diner late one night. Just before closing, a man comes in and takes a seat at the counter. One of the workers, an antagonist named Larry, tries to strike up a conversation with the man but he doesn't respond. Disturbed by this, Larry persists and finds out the man is a Christian. What follows is an intense drama about the most important issue in life...and eternity.
Three factory workers make their routine stop at a diner late one night. Just before closing, a man comes in and takes a seat at the counter. One of the workers, an antagonist named Larry, tries to strike up a conversation with the man but he doesn't respond. Disturbed by this, Larry persists and finds out the man is a Christian. What follows is an intense drama about the most important issue in life...and eternity.
This period piece motion picture portrays the unique and heartfelt story of Pamela Bucklin from her birth in 1969 to her wedding day in 1991. When her mother dies at birth, Pamela is raised by her father, Wayne. He makes a commitment to pray with his daughter each and every night. He also raises her with a very high standard of purity before marriage. In an age when purity is scoffed at by the world, and even in some Christian circles, this movie presents the message with inspiration and perspective. Also, the prayerful commitment of Wayne Bucklin is an example for all who are in a parental role.
This period piece motion picture portrays the unique and heartfelt story of Pamela Bucklin from her birth in 1969 to her wedding day in 1991. When her mother dies at birth, Pamela is raised by her father, Wayne. He makes a commitment to pray with his daughter each and every night. He also raises her with a very high standard of purity before marriage. In an age when purity is scoffed at by the world, and even in some Christian circles, this movie presents the message with inspiration and perspective. Also, the prayerful commitment of Wayne Bucklin is an example for all who are in a parental role.
A terrible crime has happened two days before Bible camp is to begin. The Director's "How to Become a Christian" book has been stolen. Who took it? He calls in a Detective to solve the case. There are only six staff members in the camp and one of them took it. But which one? It's up to the Detective, and YOU, to figure out who is committing the crime of the age in this comedy-drama.
Director of Photography
A terrible crime has happened two days before Bible camp is to begin. The Director's "How to Become a Christian" book has been stolen. Who took it? He calls in a Detective to solve the case. There are only six staff members in the camp and one of them took it. But which one? It's up to the Detective, and YOU, to figure out who is committing the crime of the age in this comedy-drama.
A terrible crime has happened two days before Bible camp is to begin. The Director's "How to Become a Christian" book has been stolen. Who took it? He calls in a Detective to solve the case. There are only six staff members in the camp and one of them took it. But which one? It's up to the Detective, and YOU, to figure out who is committing the crime of the age in this comedy-drama.
A terrible crime has happened two days before Bible camp is to begin. The Director's "How to Become a Christian" book has been stolen. Who took it? He calls in a Detective to solve the case. There are only six staff members in the camp and one of them took it. But which one? It's up to the Detective, and YOU, to figure out who is committing the crime of the age in this comedy-drama.
A skirt-chasing teenager pretends to adopt the practices of Christianity to impress a girl... only to find himself slowly genuinely becoming one of them.
Director of Photography
A skirt-chasing teenager pretends to adopt the practices of Christianity to impress a girl... only to find himself slowly genuinely becoming one of them.
A skirt-chasing teenager pretends to adopt the practices of Christianity to impress a girl... only to find himself slowly genuinely becoming one of them.
A skirt-chasing teenager pretends to adopt the practices of Christianity to impress a girl... only to find himself slowly genuinely becoming one of them.
A skirt-chasing teenager pretends to adopt the practices of Christianity to impress a girl... only to find himself slowly genuinely becoming one of them.
The very first film from the Christiano Brothers is a Christian version of the old TV series The Twlight [sic] Zone. Carl Smith is a thirty-five year old school teacher on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus Christ never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth? (
Director of Photography
The very first film from the Christiano Brothers is a Christian version of the old TV series The Twlight [sic] Zone. Carl Smith is a thirty-five year old school teacher on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus Christ never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth? (
The very first film from the Christiano Brothers is a Christian version of the old TV series The Twlight [sic] Zone. Carl Smith is a thirty-five year old school teacher on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus Christ never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth? (
The very first film from the Christiano Brothers is a Christian version of the old TV series The Twlight [sic] Zone. Carl Smith is a thirty-five year old school teacher on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus Christ never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth? (
The very first film from the Christiano Brothers is a Christian version of the old TV series The Twlight [sic] Zone. Carl Smith is a thirty-five year old school teacher on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus Christ never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth? (
The very first film from the Christiano Brothers is a Christian version of the old TV series The Twlight [sic] Zone. Carl Smith is a thirty-five year old school teacher on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus Christ never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth? (