Jane is a woman who does not remember her husband nor her daughter who has died some years ago because of a severe amnesia. As she suffers this loss of memory she has some paranormal sensations feeling that something strange and terrible will happen...
Daphne Frields es feliz con su marido, Jeff y su hija Aimée. Pero ambos mueren en un terrible incendio.
En el momento del accidente Daphne está embarazada y al cabo de unos meses da a luz un niño....sordo.
Convertida en una escritora de éxito, acabará por encontrar de nuevo la felicidad.
When Grace comes to live with her daughter and son-in-law, she is eager to find a way to be useful in the community. She loves to read stories to children, and decides to read one on public access television. The response is so strong that a large company hears about it and offers her a television series. Her life becomes complicated as she is forced to make some serious decisions. Through it all, Grace is able to help a young mother realize that time is the most valuable gift she could give to her daughter.
Un accidente de tráfico provoca un controvertido caso científico y moral. Dos mujeres pueden morir, o una de ellas logrará salvarse si uno de los cerebros es trasplantado al otro cuerpo.
El resultado no puede ser más impactante: sensaciones, gustos, recuerdos, deseos y ambiciones de una mujer pasarán a formar parte del físico de otra. Todo quedará exactamente igual... menos su cuerpo y atractivo. ¿Qué ocurrirá cuando ante el espejo no se refleje la belleza que aún permanece en su memoria?