After wearing a wire to catch a dirty colleague selling confiscated drugs, detective Jack Kempson is hated by his colleagues. He also gets 'promoted away' to the basement, where old files get transferred to the national computer database. Thus he comes across fingerprints, now identifiable, in the 30 year old case of Ashley, the kidnapped son of lottery winners. Although he's too late to help him now, he tracks the perpetrators down behind his boss's back.
Carmen (1973)
Jack Kempson started out as an idealistic cop. Thirty years on, he remains relentless in tracking down villains, but has lost confidence in his moral barometer. He turns a blind eye to the dubious methods employed by some of his contemporaries — prepared to let dodgy means be justified by the noble end.
Agent Hudson
Ella tiene la visión nocturna de un halcón, puede oler una gota de sangre a una milla de distancia, y es capaz de cambiar su color de piel y su ropa orgánica para mimetizarse con cualquier fondo. Ella es Kam, un clon genéticamente manipulado creado por un grupo de elite de la policía llamado IBI. Cuando un valioso microchip necesita ser recuperado, Kam es elegida para la misión. Pero cuando se encuentra con el recientemente huérfano hijo del creador del microchip decide tener su propia misión: conseguir la seguridad del niño.