Beth Porter

Nacimiento : 1942-05-23, New York City, New York, USA


Peti Roja
Un pájaro criado por ratones comienza a preguntarse a dónde pertenece y emprende un atrevido viaje de autodescubrimiento.
Alan Bleasdale's modern re-telling of Madame Bovary. A tale of passion, greed, revenge, and of course pleasure, set in France. Starring Line of Duty's Adrian Dunbar, Jennifer Ehle and James Larkin. In the French city of Rouen, the beautiful, young but bored Emma seeks to escape her dull married life. Her dreams are answered, and her comfortable, peaceful existence soon tarnished when she answers a lonely-hearts ad. She meets Gustave, a unsuccessful toy salesman, and potential con man. Together they begin a passionate affair, where they indulge in illicit sex and illegal scams. But parallel to their exhilarating affair, the police are on the hunt for a mysterious masked robber known only as Le Terroriste. As the stakes rise, and a betrayal means Emma finding herself alone, her own talents for deception develop into an overwhelming and obsessive desire for her to get her revenge.
Blue Money
Larry sueña con convertirse en un actor estrella, pero hasta entonces maneja un taxi y trabaja como chofer para el sombrío Ramírez. Un día él echa un vistazo a la maleta que lleva Ramírez: ¡está llena de dinero! No puede resistirse y lo roba. Frente a sus amigos afirma que finalmente consiguió un contrato con un director famoso y los invita a celebrar, mientras que la multitud está detrás del dinero.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Witch (voice)
This Emmy Award winner for Best Animated Special is based on the first book of C.S. Lewis' acclaimed series, "The Chronicles of Narnia." Four children pass through a mystic portal in a wardrobe and discover the magical kingdom of Narnia, a land of talking animals and mythical creatures. There, an evil witch's spell has cast the land into eternal winter. Fearing that an ancient prophecy is coming to fruition, and that the children are Narnia's rightful rulers, the White Witch tricks their youngest brother into betraying his family, enacting an ancient magic that she can use to halt the fulfillment of the prophecy. Now, only Aslan, noble lion and High King above all kings in Narnia, can help them defeat the witch, restore springtime to Narnia, and claim their rightful places on the throne.
What's Up Superdoc!
A doctor fathers 837 brilliant sons through an artificial insemination program, and every woman wants a donation.
Whose Child Am I?
Mrs. Lustig
Una pareja intenta la inseminación artificial para tener un hijo.
Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done
Yum-Yum / Princess Zara / Queen Victoria (voice)
Able Seaman Dick Deadeye is charged by Queen Victoria to find the stolen Ultimate Secret. His ugliness means that his life has always been lonely but a buxom barmaid takes a shine to him. Together, they battle pirates and an evil magician before discovering that the Ultimate Secret is nothing but LOVE! Using songs based on the original works of Gilbert and Sullivan (but updated with modern lyrics), this film was created to commemorate the centenary anniversary of the first collaboration of the composers of the Savoy Operas.
La última noche de Boris Grushenko
Rusia, principios del siglo XIX. En un pueblo ruso, Boris Grushenko vive obsesionado con la muerte y con su prima Sonia, aunque ella prefiere a Iván, uno de los hermanos de Boris. Pero Iván se casa, y Sonia, por despecho, contrae matrimonio con un rico comerciante de pescado. Obligado por su familia, Boris se alista en el ejército para luchar contra la Francia napoleónica e, inexplicablemente, se convierte en un héroe de guerra. Y, a pesar de ser un pacifista convencido, llegará a tener en sus manos el destino de Europa.
Eskimo Nell
Billie Harris
Three young men, a scriptwriter, a producer and a director are called in by Benny U Murdoch, an exotic movie producer. He wants to make a new erotic movie starring a big woman - the "Eskimo Nell" of the title. However problems start from the beginning, the scriptwriter is a virgin, a lover of penguins and hasn't a clue on how to write an erotic movie, each of the three main backers want a different type of movie - a western, an erotic and a kung-fu movie with different people in the main part. However problems really start for the three when Benny runs off with all the money and they have to make three different versions of the same film and try not to let the backers and stars know what has happened. And this is made harder when there is a clean-up-filth society breathing down their necks....
La tercera víctima
Un profesor de secundaria, recientemente divorciado y separado de su hijo, planea su venganza contra su ex-mujer.
El gran Gatsby
Mrs. McKee
Nueva York en la loca década de 1920. Allí vive un joven, excéntrico y misterioso millonario, cuya única preocupación evidente consiste en organizar brillantes y fastuosas fiestas. Adaptación cinematográfica de la famosa novela homónima de F. Scott Fitzgerald, realizada en un momento en que estaba en auge la llamada moda 'retro'. Dirigida por un creador de atmósferas como era Jack Clayton ("El carnaval de las tinieblas"), la película tuvo un buen recibimiento por parte del público, sobre todo por estar protagonizada por dos estrellas como eran Robert Redford y Mia Farrow.
A married couple have their preconceptions of life tested by their guest
The Naked Witch
College student Stephen accidentally awakens Beth, a witch put to death in the 1800s, who terrorizes him and begins a wave of killing.