Ellie a talented young musician with the opportunity of a lifetime is torn between obligation to her family and the chance to realize her dream. Saddled with the care of her five siblings as a result of an alcoholic mother a breathtakingly irresponsible father and a terrifyingly misguided preacher of a brother, Ellie falls in love with an aspiring young writer.
Dizzy, durante su estancia en chirona debido a un montón de fechorías en su antiguo colegio, aprende el arte de intimidar además de otras cosas de utilidad de su compañero Luther. Este dúo mal avenido une sus fuerzas, transformando al final al cretino y desastre de Dizzy en el “semental” y moderno Gil Harris.Tras su puesta en libertad y ser enviado a un nuevo colegio, Gil arrasa con la popularidad; se obsesiona por los sistemas sociales, levanta la moral al colegio y se gana el corazón de Danielle, su guapa vecina. La vida es maravillosa siendo una nueva persona, ¿o no?
In the dusty town of Chaparosa, Texas, one one knows how to tame the land better than Long Bill Longley and his best friend Tom Merwin. But, can our two heroes tame the resident bad guy, Calliope Catesby, before he destroys the town? Meanwhile, In Oakdale, Wanda Gilmore has also become quite a hero. That is, until a sneaky TV reporter tries to paint her as the town tyrant. Will Wishbone and his friends come to Wanda's rescue before it's too late! Or will Wanda watch her reputation ride off into the sunset?