Jodie Dry

Nacimiento : 1974-01-20,


Mrs. Falk
La solitaria adolescente Mia se engancha a la emoción de invocar espíritus utilizando una mano embalsamada, pero cuando se enfrenta a un alma que dice ser su madre muerta, desata una plaga de fuerzas sobrenaturales y se debate entre decidir en quién puede confiar: en los vivos o en los muertos.
Double Happiness Uranium
The newly formed Independent Republic of South Australia is the phoenix that rises from the ashes of a decaying and corrupt Australian Commonwealth, becoming wealthy beyond imagination on the back of uranium.
Coffin Rock
A woman unable to conceive a child with her husband, despite years of trying, makes the drunken mistake of sleeping with a young stranger. The stranger then goes to terrifying lengths to prove his paternity.
Second Chance
A disgraced young Melbourne lawyer is sent to purgatory in Broome - and discovers a body, himself, and Paradise.
A cop's hunt for clues becomes much more than routine as his search reveals a devastating truth...
Heroes' Mountain
Sally Diver
The story of Stuart Diver, the only person to survive the 1997 Thredbo tragedy that came about when a landslide engulfed a ski lodge situated in Australia's Snowy Mountains.
The Fury Within
A surburban California family is beset by the power of supernatural subconscious. A bone-chilling thriller with electrifying effects.