Ray Cooke

Nacimiento : 1905-04-05, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

Muerte : 1963-07-10


El Sargento York
Orderly (uncredited)
Alvin C. York es un joven y trabajador campesino que vive en una de las numerosas granjas de los montes de Cumberland, en el estado de Tennessee. Sólo tiene un defecto: la bebida. Alvin está enamorado de una muchacha, cuya familia de clase alta impide el matrimonio. Basada en hechos reales.
West Point Widow
Father in Hospital
In this romance, a hospital nurse marries a West Point football hero. She soon gets pregnant, but this doesn't stop her from annulling the marriage so as not to interfere with her husband's military career.
Third Finger, Left Hand
Ship Steward
Margot (Myrna Loy), la editora de una glamurosa revista femenina, para evitar el continuo asedio de sus colegas masculinos y la cólera de sus celosas esposas, decide ponerse un anillo de oro en el tercer dedo de la mano izquierda, haciendo ver que está casada. Todo se complica cuando el artista Jeff Thompson (Melvyn Douglas), harto de sus continuos fracasos con Margot, decide fingir ante todo el mundo ser su marido, que se creía desaparecido hace mucho tiempo.
Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride
Airline Ticket Clerk
Gene inherits a meat-packing plant, then faces stiff competition from snooty Ann Randolph, rival owner determined to do him in.
Baila, muchacha, baila
Reporter (uncredited)
Judy O'Brien forma parte de un grupo de baile y aspira a dedicarse al ballet clásico. Bubbles, compañera suya deja el grupo para centrarse en la comedia. Cuando el grupo se deshace, Bubbles le ofrece a Judy un ingrato trabajo: ser la telonera de su espectáculo.
El extraño del tercer piso
Phil, Lunch Counterman (uncredited)
El testimonio de un periodista sirve para llevar a un joven a la silla eléctrica. El reportero, torturado por las dudas acerca de su culpabilidad, cae en una telaraña de falsas pruebas que le señalan, ahora a él, como presunto autor de un nuevo crimen...
El regreso del Santo
El Santo regresa a la acción para ayudar a un viejo amigo suyo el Inspector Fernack, acosado por un grupo de mafiosos.
Una nueva primavera
Man Clueing in Ed
Ellie Mae lives on Primrose Hill with her good-hearted and fancy free mother, her drunken father, her younger sister and a mean-spirited grandmother. The Hill is not a good part of town, however. When she meets and falls for a hard-working man, they marry and she hides her past from him. When he discovers the truth it jeopardizes their marriage.
High School
Airport Attendant
A teenager who's been raised and home-schooled at her father's Texas ranch must adjust to her new surroundings and being with other students when she's sent to a San Antonio high-school.
Wolf of New York
A New York attorney defends a young man with a criminal past who has been accused of murdering a police inspector.
Barreras invisibles
Pinky - Tim's Mechanic (uncredited)
Cliff Taylor es un exconvicto que intenta llevar una vida normal, pero desde que salió de la cárcel en libertad condicional, su pasado criminal le impide encontrar y mantener un cualquier trabajo. Sin embargo, lo peor es que Tim, su hermano menor, siguiendo sus pasos, se une a la banda de Charles Martin
Los violentos años veinte
Orderly (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca, años 20. Relato sobre los diferentes caminos que siguen tres veteranos que se conocen durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Cuando regresan a América tras luchar por su país, tropiezan con el problema del desempleo y con grandes difícultades económicas. Uno de ellos (Lynn) seguirá con decisión el buen camino; otro (Cagney), amargado por la falta de futuro, no encuentra más salida que el contrabando ilegal de licor; el tercero (Bogart) se convierte en un implacable gángster.
Hollywood Cavalcade
First Cab Driver
Starting in 1913 movie director Connors discovers singer Molly Adair. As she becomes a star she marries an actor, so Connors fires them. She asks for him as director of her next film. Many silent stars shown making the transition to sound.
Second Fiddle
Pool Party Photographer
Un publicista (Power) conoce en Minnesota a una gran profesora de patinaje(Henie) a la que quiere llevar a Hollywood para que adquiera más fama. Finalmente ella decidirá regresar a su pueblo seguida del amor que el siente hacia ella.
Daughters Courageous
Bill (uncredited)
Nan Masters, a single mother living with her four marriageable daughters, plans to marry Sam Sloane, businessman. Out of the blue her 1st husband Jim returns after deserting the family 20 years earlier. The worldly wanderer Jim gets a cool family reception at first but his warm personality gradually wins the affections of his four daughters. In fact, youngest daughter Buff, who has her eye on a maverick of her own in Gabriel Lopez, is pleased when Jim grants his stamp of approval on her relationship. Buff plans to elope with Gabriel on her mother's wedding day, but 'unpredictable' is Gabriel's middle name.
Submarine Patrol
Warship Sailor
Durante la I Guerra Mundial, y tras cometer una negligencia, un oficial naval es destinado a un viejo submarino. Ansioso por redimirse ante sus superiores, pondrá todo su empeño en convertir a la desastrosa y conflictiva tripulación en un perfecto equipo de combate.
King of the Newsboys
A poor young man's girlfriend leaves him for a gangster, who has the money and power she wants and the young man doesn't have. Determined to show her that he can be a success--and how much of a mistake she made by leaving him--he starts up a newspaper distribution business that is soon the biggest in the city, but things don't turn out exactly the way he wanted them to.
Love on a Bet
Aspiring Producer Michael McCreigh convinces Uncle Carlton to finance a play on the condition that he lives the play's ridiculous plot. If Michael fails, he must work in Carlton's meat packing plant.
An All American Toothache
Dental Student (uncredited)
Thelma volunteers Patsy as a subject for her friend who is in dental school and needs somebody to practice on.
The Daring Young Man
Taxicab Driver
Dos reporteros planean casarse, pero la novia se queda esperando en el altar porque su novio se ha infiltrado para exponer la actividad de las pandillas.
Doubting Thomas
A husband makes fun of his wife's theatrical aspirations when she agrees to appear in a local production. When she begins to neglect him, he decides to retaliate by also going on stage.
Maybe It's Love
Diner (uncredited)
Director William C. McGann's 1935 film stars Gloria Stuart and Ross Alexander as a young couple in love who face economic woes once they're wed.
Officer's Lackey (Uncredited)
A countess marries a Gypsy fiddler instead of a baron's son at harvest time in Tokay wine country, Hungary.
Larry O'Roark is a boxer who's insanely posssesive and jealous of his fiancee, Jo. the sight of her and her employer, Mr. Lambert, at ringside during his big fight distracts Larry and he is knocked out. He then promises never to be jealous again and marries Jo. When she realizes that they're broke she asks Lambert for a job (she had quit on marrying Larry.) One thing leads to another and Larry, enraged with jealousy, end up killing Lambert. He then wanders off in a daze, and Jo takes the rap for the murder. Larry descends from his amnesiac fog just in time to interrupt the announcement of the jury's verdict in Jo's trial. then it's off to the chair for Larry. Or is it?
By Your Leave
Elevator Operator
A bored couple facing middle-age succumbs to wandering eyes.
El hombre de las dos caras
Bellboy (uncredited)
Un actor de teatro de reconocido prestigio ve como su hermana, también actriz, cambia totalmente de personalidad cuando se reencuentra ésta con su marido, al que creía muerto.
Now I'll Tell
Golden es un jugador que ha prometido a su esposa retirarse cuando gane doscientos mil dólares. Manipula un combate de boxeo y el gangster Mossiter se enfurece con él y ha de entregarle su fortuna. Empeña las joyas de su mujer y se hace un seguro de vida.
Hombres de blanco
Dr. Finn (uncredited)
Un joven médico (Clark Gable), que vive absolutamente entregado a sus pacientes, tiene una novia que no logra entender que ponga a los enfermos por encima de cualquier clase de diversión. Las desavenencias entre ambos llegan al límite cuando él conoce a una bella enfermera que comparte su pasión por la medicina.
Sucedió una noche
Drunk Reporter (uncredited)
Peter Warren, es un periodista desempleado que se topa con Ellie, la hija de un millonario que huyó del barco de Alexander Andrews, su padre, porque no acepta al hombre con el que ella se quiere casar. Peter ve la oportunidad de conseguir una buena historia, pero varios hechos acaban por crear un vínculo entre ellos.
Volando hacia Río de Janeiro
Yankee Clipper Banjo Player (uncredited)
El director de una flota de aviones tiene problemas con su plantilla por culpa de los enredos entre sus chicos y las mujeres. Cuando le ofrecen un contrato para viajar a Río de Janeiro, surgen problemas porque ahora es él el que se enamora de una joven que ya está prometida.
No soy ningún angel
Sailor at Circus (uncredited)
La atrevida Tira trabaja como bailarina y domadora de leones en una feria. Debido a una necesidad urgente de dinero, acepta realizar un peligroso nuevo número: meter la cabeza en la boca de un león. Con esta atracción, el circo llega a Nueva York y Tira puede dedicarse a su ocupación preferida: flirtear con hombres ricos y aceptar regalos caros.
Goodbye Again
Richview Hotel Bellboy
Las confusiones de coqueteo abundan cuando una célebre novelista se enreda con un viejo amor y su desconcertado marido en Cleveland. ¿Su inteligente secretaria le salvará el cuello si ella también está secretamente enamorada de él?
Trying Out Torchy
The final entry in the Torchy short series starring Ray Cooke as things go wrong at a gathering.
Torchy's Loud Spooker
When the story begins, you learn that Torchy's boss has a problem with his blood pressure and the doctor recommends he take a rest. So, he plans on taking some of his staff with him to a mansion in Florida. However, one of his clients offers the use of his place and the boss accepts. Torchy doesn't like this, as the place is the old Link Estate...the same place where Mr. Link was murdered years ago!
Torchy Turns Turtle
One of those gangs of Arab spies who use to infest Wall Street in their colorful native costumes steals a super-secret bomb formula from Edmund Breese's safe. Naturally he blames his office boy, Ray Cooke. Breese's daughter, Marion Shockley, tells Torchy the way back into her father's graces is to join his lodge, the Turtles.... but they have rough initiations. She drives him to what they imagine is the lodge hall, which is where the Arab gang is waiting, expecting a master spy, for whom they mistake Cooke.
Torchy's Kitty Coup
Dot Farley is throwing a benefit for cats but hasn't any. This means she calls up her husband, Edmund Breese, to bring some. He being busy with business deputes the job to Franklin Pangborn. Pangborn gets office boy Ray Cooke, and in no time at all, Breese has fleas.
Torchy Rolls His Own
In the eighth of the series of short sound comedies, Ray Cooke as the office boy 'Torchy' is thought to be a whiz at polo -- don't ask; in these short comedies, people believe the most peculiar things because it serves the unimportant plot. Cooke, of course, has never been on a horse so we have comedy sequences of him preparing for the big match, and his inevitable triumph which will offend those who hold polo so dear..
Torchy's Busy Day
Edmund Breese, Ray Cooke's boss, is trying to buy a sausage factory. However, the cash hasn't come through, so he sends an insulting telegram to the owner. This ends in the two of them playing a round of office gold to see whether the payment gets made in cash or stock.
The Loud Mouth
Del Lord, famous director of the Three Stooges shorts, directed this story of one man in various comical vignettes playing the "loud mouth" - a guy who can't keep a secret and is always getting himself in trouble with everyone he comes in contact with by shouting out his opinions and criticizing strangers to their face.
Torchy's Two Toots
When his boss goes out of town on a big deal and leaves important securities behind, it's up to office boy Ray Cooke to get them to him tout suite.
Jimmy's New Yacht
A young lady is wooed by two men
Torchy Raises the Auntie
Ray Cooke's employer needs to raise $100,000 to retain control of his company. He hopes to get them from his cousins. When the old ladies show up, they are sent to a restaurant with office manager Franklin Pangborn, his daughter, Dorothy Dix, and Cooke. Cooke and Miss Dix are having a dull time, but the restaurant has a supply of laughing gas, as restaurants apparently did back then, and its release causes the older people to become very silly.
The Midnight Patrol
A cub reporter rashly makes a promise to solve a murder mystery within 24 hours, then must make good on his boast.
Torchy's Night Cap
Ray Cooke is Torchy the Office boy, told to deliver a letter; through a series of accidents, he winds up with the letter torn and can't explain it to his boss because reason. Later, he tries to help two friends elope, which eventually brings us back to the first sequence.
Torchy Turns the Trick
When he bother can't take Dorothy Dix to a fancy dinner, office boy Ray Cooke escorts her. He also has a chance to win a contract for the business by reuniting a visiting prince with his declasse sweetheart.
Danny Nolan
Amidst a backdrop of growing violence and intimidation, independent cab drivers struggling against a consolidated juggernaut rally around hot-tempered Matt Nolan. Nolan is determined to keep competition alive on the streets, even if it means losing the woman he loves.
Torchy Passes the Buck
Torchy (Ray Cooke) is an office boy....sort of like a secretary that does a variety of tasks for the boss. Well, when the boss is out one day, a friend of Torchy's has friends come to see him. Torchy wants his friend to make a great impression, so he sneaks him into the boss' office and has him pose as the boss! Soon, however, the boss arrives but instead of exposing the ruse, he goes along with it. But he also convinces Torchy to do a job for him...to sneak some venison past the game warden. It seems the boss wants to serve it to friends and win some odd bet.
Percival Oliver Muldoon aka Torchy
Fired from his job as office boy, Torchy gets involved with a phony gold mine promoter.
Gente viva
Jimmy the Bellhop (uncredited)
Un botones estafador y su novia camarera están establecidos en un hotel.
The Freshman's Goat
The freshman and sophomore classes of Barton College get into a brawl over possession of a goat, then decide to settle the dispute with an auto race.
Sweethearts on Parade
Helen and Nita work in a department store to make ends meet while they search for millionaire husbands. They meet Bill and Hank, who make them reconsider whether they really need millionaires to be happy.
The Unholy Three
Sailor at Sideshow (uncredited)
A trio of former sideshow performers double as the "Unholy Three" in a scam to nab some shiny rocks.
True to the Navy
Ruby is a counter girl at the San Diego Soda Shop with a habit of being a girlfriend to Sailors stopping by. Things get a little zany when she sets her eyes on Bull's Eye McCoy a gunner who refuses to settle down.
Alias French Gertie
Office Boy
A safecracker poses as a French maid in order to gain access to wealthy homes. In the midst of a nocturnal search for a cache of valuables, she is interrupted by another safecracker. Narrowly escaping arrest, they decide to pool their talents, but she gets the urge to reform and encourages him to do the same.
Jazz Heaven
Messenger (uncredited)
A young songwriter struggles to make good in New York.
Sailor's Holiday
Sailor in Cafe (uncredited)
Sailors Pike and Shorty are on leave when a street woman swindles them out of some money by telling them she is looking for her long-lost brother, a sailor.
Cat, Dog & Co.
Farina, Joe, and friends use dogs to power their "roadsters," but following a lesson from the head of the Be Kind to Animals Society, they make it their cause to rescue animals from bad treatment. Joe even manages to find patience for a nagging flea that persists in biting him. Meanwhile, Wheezer, who has been tormenting animals with his games, dreams that the animals have turned the tables on him.
The Sophomore
Sophomore Fraternity Brother (uncredited)
Joe Collins (Eddie Quillan) arrives at Hanford College to begin his second year with $200 to pay his tuition, is enticed into a craps game, and loses all in this nostalgic slice of college, replete with songs, romance, prom dances and the inevitable big football game.
El comparsa
The Bellboy
Última película muda de Buster Keaton. La actriz Trilby Drew se casa con Elmer, quien está locamente enamorado de ella. Pero ella no parece sentir lo mismo...
La Melodía de Broadway
Bellhop (uncredited)
Queenie y Hank son dos hermanas que buscan triunfar en Broadway como cantantes y bailarinas. Queenie se enamora de Eddie Kearns, pero él prefiere a Hank, y se vuelven pareja. Con la ayuda de Eddie empiezan una carrera en los escenarios de vodevil... El primer gran musical de la historia del cine (recién estrenado el cine sonoro, en 1927) obtuvo el Oscar a la mejor película (recién creados los premios de la Academia en 1928). (FILMAFFINITY)
Director's Assistant (uncredited)
Peggy Pepper (Marion Davies) sueña con ser una actriz dramática y su padre se dispone a llevarla a Hollywood para que le hagan un casting, donde piensa demostrarle a todos que su hija es una verdadera actriz. Ayudada por Billy Boone (William Haines), la chica conseguirá la dichosa prueba... pero algunas cosas van a cambiar en lo que han sido sus pretensiones, mientras entre ellos nace algo que es mucho más que una simple amistad. (FILMAFFINITY)
El capitán Fanfarrón
Hugh Drummond se arruina viviendo demasiado alto y recurre al crimen para pagar sus cuentas.
El cameraman
Office Worker (uncredited)
Luke Shannon (Keaton) trabaja para un programa informativo como operador de cámara. Pero su sueño sería que lo contratará la MGM, sobre todo para estar cerca de una guapa oficinista (Day). Un día, inesperadamente, se encuentra en medio de una noticia impotantísima.
Walking Back
Party Boy
Jazz age youngster Smoke Thatcher "borrows" a neighbor's car to take Patsy, his sweetheart, to a dance after his father refuses to lend him his car. A car-fight with a rival results in the borrowed automobile's being so wrecked that Smoke cannot return it. The garage to which he and Patsy take the car for repair turns out to be actually a gang's hideaway and a place where stolen cars are brought and later fenced.