The Journey is the story of a father and daughter reunion. From Montreal’s airport, they will travel along a chaotic path, where their inability to find each other will unveil a complicated relationship and have them drift from their initial course.
A romantic dinner turns into a ludicrous disaster when Bruno, an anxious psychology student, has to lie to his control-freak boyfriend about what really happened during his PhD's entrance interview earlier that day.
Following the death of his father, a man must survive the manifestations of his inner demons over the course of a dreary night.
Tic is a live-action short film about a serial killer, a detective, an online-shopping addiction, and speed-dating.
Everyone loves a wholesome, boy-next-door buddy - especially when he turns out to be a filthy little fucker on the quiet. Indeed, you'd think butter wouldn't melt in these lads' mouths when they're out in public; but get 'em behind closed doors and they're more than ready to enjoy the intimate pleasures that only hard cock and pent-up spunk can give. Rudy Valentino, Noah Matous and German dick-fiend, Zaho Sebastian Mann, are just some of the fresh-faced, innocent-looking buds who very quickly prove to be anything fucking but.
TV Anchor
Unas misteriosas naves espaciales aterrizan por todo el mundo. Un equipo, liderado por la lingüista Louise Banks, intenta descifrar el motivo de su visita. A medida que la humanidad se tambalea al borde de la guerra, Louise y su equipo luchan contra el tiempo, llegando a poner en peligro su vida y, muy posiblemente, la del resto de la humanidad.
Young Man
En los años 50, la joven Eilis Lacey decide abandonar Irlanda y viajar a los Estados Unidos, concretamente a Nueva York, donde conoce a un chico del que se enamora. Pero un día, a Eilis le llegan noticias de un grave problema familiar y tendrá que decidir entre quedarse en su nuevo país o volver a su tierra natal.
Summer of 1989, twenty one year old Debbie is a young wife and mother, desperately longing for her carefree, teenage ways after being thrust into motherhood. She is confined to a hospital exam room after her 4-year-old daughter has been in an accident. Feeling helpless to her present situation and her looming future, the only thing Debbie finds comfort in is her husband Freddie and their illustrious past. Based on the play by Edward Allan Baker.
Kid in the Crowd
Retrato del legendario músico Bob Dylan. Seis intérpretes encarnan diferentes momentos de la vida personal y profesional del cantante norteamericano que revolucionó la música popular en los años 60 y 70. Desde entonces, su influencia sobre músicos, escritores, poetas y sobre la cultura en general ha sido permanente. El filme consta de varias historias cuyos protagonistas son de lo más heterogéneo: Woody (Marcus Carl Franklin) es un niño negro de once años que siempre está huyendo. Robbie (Heath Ledger), un artista mujeriego que vive en la carretera. Jude (Cate Blanchett), un joven andrógino, es estrella del rock. John (Christian Bale), un ídolo folk que se convierte en evangelista. Y Billy (Richard Gere) es un famoso fugitivo.