Erica Jong

Erica Jong

Nacimiento : 1942-03-26, New York City, New York, USA


Erica Jong (born Erica Mann) is an American novelist, satirist, and poet, best known for her 1973 novel Fear of Flying, which became something of a Feminist touchstone following its release.


Erica Jong


Spit Earth: Who is Jordan Wolfson?
Spit Earth: Who Is Jordan Wolfson? is a feature documentary film about this controversial and divisive artist who in the ensuing five years has only solidified his stature with unnerving and provocative new works that elicit extreme reactions from both critical naysayers and vocal proponents alike. Wolfson is not content to play by the rules of a conservative self-policing art market that favors the status quo, instead preferring to make us squirm as he engages a host of lightning-rod issues facing our society today; homophobia, misogyny, racism, white nationalism, antisemitism and violence to name but a few. Wolfson is an art maker on the world stage whose immersive works take on today’s endemic virtue signaling and politically correct narratives, veritably throwing it all back into our faces.
Dentro de garganta profunda (Inside Deep Throat)
En 1972 se estrenó una película que convulsionó la realidad social estadounidense: Garganta Profunda. Estrenada en el mismo momento en que los movimientos nacionales para la liberación sexual, la igualdad de derechos y los valores contraculturales estaban alcanzando su punto álgido, esta película sexualmente explícita se convirtió inesperadamente en el epicentro de una tormenta social y política sin precedentes. El gobierno de Nixon y el FBI iniciaron una cruzada contra la película y sus creadores. Inside Deep Throat (Dentro de Garganta Profunda) es un documental en el que los directores Randy Barbato y Fenton Bailey nos proponen un viaje a los años 70, a la situación social, cultural y política de los norteamericanos, y al intenso impacto que provocó una película pornográfica, cuyo título llegó incluso a servir de referente al escándalo de Watergate que acabó costando la presidencia a Nixon.
When Rated X Ruled the World
When _____ Ruled the World looks at pop culture phenomenona and explores why and how the subject of the show so effectively captured the imagination of the populace. Take a trip down memory lane and explore the zeitgeist of yesterday.
Elaine's Book Party Guest
A sus cuarenta años, Lee Simon siente que no le ha sacado suficiente partido a la vida. Escribe artículos sobre viajes y entrevistas con personajes del mundo del espectáculo, pero sueña con publicar una novela o un guión cinematográfico que incrementen su prestigio. El problema es que, tras su divorcio, se mueve en un ambiente demasiado frívolo y superficial.
Sex, Lies and Jerzy Kosinski
The making of Jerzy Kosinski. The BBC documentary on the life and art of enigmatic novelist Jerzy Kosinski. Through interviews with his second wife Kiki von Fraunhofer-Kosinski, friends and fellow authors, and Polish villagers who knew Kosinski when he was a child hiding from the scourge of Nazism, this program attempts to assess the verity of Kosinski's "autobiographical" fiction, the need for him to maintain a nebulous mystique about his early life, and to understand his obsession with S&M sex clubs in Manhattan during the 1970s and 1980s.