Based on the hit ABC television series "The Saddle Club", "Horse Crazy" follows the adventures of several young girls on the Pine Hollows horse farm. Between school, riding, boys, and typical adolescent drama, the girls of the ranch are never bored. They're in for even more excitement, however, when Skye Ransom, a teenage heartthrob, comes to the farm to shoot a film. While most of the girls pine away over Skye, Kristi and Megan have their eyes on a bigger prize--a real live grown cowboy.
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El día de San Valentín de 1900, las estudiantes de la Escuela Appleyard van de excursión a Hanging Rock, una región australiana montañosa. A lo largo del día se producen una serie de fenómenos sobrenaturales: el tiempo se detiene, estudiantes y maestras pierden el conocimiento y tres chicas y una profesora desaparecen.