Sonny Caldinez
Nacimiento : 1932-07-01, Trinidad, British West Indies [now Trinidad and Tobago]
Muerte : 2022-04-12
Sonny Caldinez was born on July 1, 1932 in Trinidad, British West Indies [now Trinidad and Tobago]. He was an actor, known for Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), The Fifth Element (1997) and Doctor Who (1963). He died on April 12, 2022.
Gentleman (uncredited)
Explorar imperios perdidos, descubrir tesoros de incalculable valor, castigar a los malvados en combates a vida o muerte… todo forma parte de un día de trabajo para la aventurera Lara Croft. Pero un secreto del pasado de su padre va a llevar a Lara a su desafío más grande: el Triángulo de la Luz, un legendario artefacto con el poder de alterar el espacio y el tiempo. Lara ha de encontrar el Triángulo antes de que caiga en poder de los Illuminati, una sociedad secreta dispuesta a dominar el mundo. Para detener a los Illumitati, Lara ha de sobrevivir a una auténtica cacería a través del planeta, repleta de inimaginables peligros.
Emperor Kodar Japhet
Cada 5.000 años se abre una puerta entre las dimensiones. En una dimensión existe el Universo y la vida. En la otra dimensión existe un elemento que no está hecho ni de tierra, ni de fuego, ni de aire, ni de agua, sino que es una anti-energía, la anti-vida: es el quinto elemento.
To coincide with a new era for Doctor Who we take a nostalgic look back at the glory days of the programme in a tribute to its unsigned heroes. Ever wondered what it’s like inside a Dalek? How, exactly, of you portray a Fish Person? What was it like recording Doctor Who during its 26 year run? And just how do you get to be a Doctor Who monster? Now you can find out as, for the very first time, we speak to the men and women who ensured we spend out Saturday nights behind the sofa. Their stories are funny, moving, unbelievable and sometimes tragic. Presented by the seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, and containing unique film and newly discovered photographs, this all adds up to an entertaining trip down memory lane – go on treat yourself to a slice of nostalgia!
Mean Mongolian
Año 1936. Indiana Jones es un profesor de arqueología, dispuesto a correr peligrosas aventuras con tal de conseguir valiosas reliquias históricas. Después de una infructuosa misión en Sudamérica, el gobierno estadounidense le encarga la búsqueda del Arca de la Alianza, donde se conservan las Tablas de la Ley que Dios entregó a Moisés. Según la leyenda, quien las posea tendrá un poder absoluto, razón por la cual también la buscan los nazis.
Sixteen-year-old Otis loathes school. He wants to be a professional footballer, but is good at drawing, so his mother wants him to be a draughtsman. Then, a new sports teacher appears at his South London comprehensive school, and life starts to look a little more hopeful...
The Doctor returns to Peladon fifty years after his last visit, to find Queen Thalira, daughter of the late King Peladon, on the throne. A tense labour dispute between Pel nobility and miners is worsened when apparitions of their deity Aggedor attack and kill several miners. The Galactic Federation desperately needs trisilicate for its war against Galaxy 5 and sends in brutal Ice Warrior troopers to ensure production. The Doctor discovers a devious plot at the heart of Aggedor's appearances.
David Jason's most famous film appearance of the 1970's was opposite Graham Chapman in 'The Odd Job' but five years earlier he played the lead role in this very low budget comedy. His character is a daydreamer but he manages to get caught up in an adventure involving the hugely underated Imogen Hassall. There is even an appearance from a pre Darth Vader Dave Prowse although his character closer resembles the one he played in 'Callan'.
The planet Peladon has applied to join the Galactic Federation, and The Doctor is mistaken for the chairman of the committee sent to assess its application, while Jo is taken for an Earth princess, with the mythical curse of Aggedor apparently striking chancellor Torbis dead, The Doctor must discover who is desperate to stop Peladon joining, but soon he is sentenced to death and his only Allies seem to be Jo and the Ice Warrior Delegates.
Spy Killer stars Robert Horton as a secret agent turned private eye. Framed for murder, Horton is released, but only after promising that he'll track down a book containing a list of government agents who are operating covertly in Red China. The reluctant spy discovers that he can't completely trust anyone in this endeavor--not even his former chief
Ice Warrior
The TARDIS lands in a space museum on Earth in the late 21st century, where the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe learn that contact has been lost between Earth and the Moon. In this era, instant travel — T-Mat — has revolutionised the Earth. Its people have lost interest in space travel. The Doctor and his companions travel to the Moon in an old-style rocket and reach the Moonbase, control centre for T-Mat, only to find a squad of Ice Warriors have commandeered the base and plan to use the T-Mat network to their advantage.
The TARDIS arrives on Earth in a new ice age. The travellers make their way into a base where scientists, commanded by Leader Clent, are using an ioniser device to combat the advance of a glacier.
The Daleks draft the Second Doctor into distilling the Human Factor. Once implanted, it will make the Dalek race invincible. Jamie's faith in the Doctor is stretched to the limit as the Doctor appears to be collaborating with the Daleks. The Doctor has a few tricks up his sleeve, but then again so might the Daleks.