Jeff Lumby

Jeff Lumby


Jeff Lumby


The Red Green Story: We're All in This Together
Winston Rothschild
This behind-the-scenes special features cast members musing over public television's beloved "The Red Green Show," the wacky sketch series revolving around the wit and wisdom of outdoors-man, handyman and populist philosopher Red Green (Steve Smith). Backstage anecdotes, rare outtakes and cast commentary shed light on the smart writing and spot-on acting that helped make this unlikely show such a long-running success.
El hombre perfecto
Dr. Fitch
La adolescente Holly Hamilton (Hilary Duff) está cansada de tener que cambiar de casa cada vez que Jean (Heather Locklear), su madre soltera, tiene otro fracaso sentimental con otro novio de segunda categoría. Para animarla tras su último desengaño, Holly concibe el plan perfecto para brindarle el hombre perfecto: un ficticio admirador secreto que cortejará a Jean y rehará su maltrecha autoestima...
Lion of Ain-Jaloot
The story of the hero Seifuddin Qutoz, defender of Jerusalem and conqueror of the Mongols. The events take place in Khwarizm, India, Syria and Egypt between the years 617-658 of the 7th Hijra century (1220-1260 A.D.).