Daniel is an obeying and high-flying barrister with the good life on his side. Nathaniel Quass is a rich and bizarre recluse, generous, obsessed and sad. This reluctant pair are caught up in an alliance againstu an ingenious conspiracy which threatens both of their lives.
Damien Thorn (Sam Neill), de 32 años, es un ser cruel, frío y calculador que ha sido engendrado por el diablo y cuyo único objetivo es dominar el mundo. Con tal de conseguir sus propósitos está dispuesto a matara todo el que se cruce en su camino. Sólo un abnegado sacerdote (Brazzi), cuya misión es destruir al Anticristo y que tiene en su poder las siete dagas sagradas de Megiddo, se interpone entre Damien y su deseo de sembrar el caos y la destrucción.
In August 1913 a strike at a Cornish clay pit leads to Welsh police being sent to keep order. Having no other source of income, a striking miner is forced to take in one of the policemen as a lodger. They soon become friends, but escalating tension at the mine means that conflict will become inevitable.
Play about an elderly couple who don't want to be moved from the house in which they have lived all their lives, but may be forced to as they live in a designated redevelopment area. The major point as far as they're concerned is that their piano won't fit in one of the new council places they have been offered.