Un perro bombero se entrena para ser un piloto de carreras campeón.
An ill-fated attempt to capture a wishing star as a gift for their parents leads Rolie and Zowie into a musical outer space venture that brings a pair of lost twins into their lives in the multicolored robotic family's second feature-length outing. The baby bots have inadvertently left their dwelling, a fantasy foster home more akin to amusement park than institution. When Rolie and Zowie bring the misplaced babies back to their home planet, Mom and Dad are willing to give up the Family Fun Day Parade in order to track down the "mothership." The intergalactic road trip results in the discovery that the infants need a good adoptive home. The parents offer verbal agreement (no red tape or exorbitant fees here!) and it's back home in time for the parade in this sweetly unjaded 68-minute movie from the folks at Disney Playhouse. (Ages 2 to 7) --Kimberly Heinrichs
Un experimento genético de la NASA sobre una araña sale terriblemente mal. Y la araña es liberada en el desierto. Un reportero es quién deberá impedir que salga del desierto y se dirija a la ciudad. En español esta película, Spiders, fue distribuída como secuela de "Arachnophobia" (1990), pero en realidad es la primera parte de la película conocida como "Criaturas asesinas/Spiders 2"