Follows Luke and Chrissy, a former country music duo and ex-sweethearts who run into each other years later after Chrissy disappeared on Luke, but now they realize they can only survive the holidays with the other one's help.
Follows Luke and Chrissy, a former country music duo and ex-sweethearts who run into each other years later after Chrissy disappeared on Luke, but now they realize they can only survive the holidays with the other one's help.
My name is Trew; this is the story of how I got a visit from the almighty and he asks me to write down everything he says. Its simple He spoke, I freaked, the unbelievable happened.
El ejecutivo de publicidad Nick Marshall es un arrogante machista, pero ¿qué pasa con un hombre machista, cuando de repente escucha lo que piensan las mujeres? Nick no consiguió un ascenso que daba por seguro, porque se lo dieron a una mujer: Darcy. Pero después de un accidente, es capaz de oír los pensamientos de las mujeres, y utiliza este talento para trabajar contra Darcy, su nueva jefa.