Project 313 is the story of Parrish and Machette, two friends who grew up in the rough projects of Detroit and are struggling daily with the challenges and hardships of urban street life. Soon after his release from juvenile detention, Machette devises a plan to "get rich quick" by robbing some unsuspecting high-roller exiting the local casino. For Nick Staley, a prominent college professor with a beautiful wife and daughter, a lucky day at the blackjack table turns into a nightmare when he is confronted by the two partners in crime, who rob, kidnap and hold him captive in Parrish's apartment in the projects. While the thieves plot their next move, tempers flare and disagreements in what to do next turn the two friends against one another, while leaving their victim faced with more than losing his jackpot---Nick may actually lose his life.
La película narra la historia de Jimmy Smith Jr. (Eminem), un joven rapero que vive en un barrio pobre de Detroit y que sueña con triunfar en el mundo de la música. Jimmy tiene que enfrentarse a varios problemas, como su trabajo precario, su relación con su madre alcohólica y su hija pequeña, su novia infiel y sus rivales en el rap. Jimmy participa en unas batallas de rap donde tiene que demostrar su talento y su ingenio frente a otros raperos. Su objetivo es ganar el concurso que se celebra en el club 8 Mile, el límite entre el barrio blanco y el negro, y así conseguir el respeto y la fama que desea.