Jean-François Pouliot

Jean-François Pouliot


Jean-François Pouliot


Vote Bougon
Paul Bougon ignites social media networks and public opinion after his brief participation in a television program. Having become an instant celebrity thanks to his outspokenness, he decides to go into politics and founds his own party. With the help of his devoted entourage and at the head of the PEN (Parti de l’Écœurement National) [National Disgust Party], he wins the elections and becomes Premier. The challenges of his new career place him in front of heartbreaking choices.
The 3 L'il Pigs 2
Rémy is always between two planes, travels to Shanghai on business. During this trip, he takes the opportunity to cheat Dominique first with a woman, then with a man. Upon his return, his wife puts him out after showing him more than compromising photos of his Asian aspirations.
Cuando el invierno llega, un chico y sus amigos son incitados por la chica nueva a vivir una larga y prolongada batalla de nieve.
Dr. Cabbie
El Doctor Cabbie se encuentra desempleado, pero se convierte en el nuevo héroe local al convertir su taxi en una clínica móvil en Canadá. Cabbie es un inmigrante que cuya principal ambición es la de sanar a los demás a la vez que empieza una nueva vida en la ¨tierra de las oportunidades¨.
Guide de la petite vengeance
Bernard, an accountant in an upscale jewellery store, suffers from daily psychological abuse by his boss Vendôme. Thanks to his pal Robert, also victim of harassment by this cruel man, Bernard will toy with the consequence of a well-deserved retaliation at the expense of his boss. However, as not everything is perfect in this world, Bernard will also have to experience the sometimes less pleasant after effects of this ruthless act of revenge.
La gran seducción
Los habitantes del pueblecito costero de Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne, antaño orgullosos pescadores, se ven obligados a vivir de subsidios gubernamentales. Pasa el tiempo, siguen cobrando los talones, pero el orgullo desaparece, dejando sitio a la melancolía, la somnolencia y la desesperación. Para colmo de males, el alcalde se muda a la ciudad y Germain se queda a cargo del pueblecito.
Canada Vignettes: The Egg
An egg desperately tries to prevent being hatched. In this animated short from the Canada Vignette series, learn how societies in evolution are often in danger of self-destruction.