Luc Vandal


A young couple buys a rotten house with the intention of turning it into their dream home. But the more the renovations progress, the more their life turns into a nightmare. Bungalow is a comedy-drama about the financial, social and sexual anxieties that millennials experience in our performance society.
Goddess of the Fireflies
Catherine is a teenager going through adolescence just as her parents are getting a divorce. Her social life is no better as bullies and boys add to the pressure of growing up in the chaotic '90s.
Bad Seeds
Jacques is an actor who runs away to the countryside to escape his gambling debts. He meets Simon, a rough and wily farmer who manipulates him into a business relationship. After a difficult start, the men help each other grow marijuana. They happen to meet Francesca, a sharp young woman who soon embraces their venture. By the time they get to the winter harvest, the three have learned to live together, but outside forces threaten the delicate balance of their little business...
Guy Édoin dirige este drama que tiene como protagonista a una familia de granjeros, eligiendo como escenario de la misma la propia granja de su familia en Québec.
Through the Mist
A biopic of the late musician Dédé Fortin, the singer, songwriter, and founder of a very popular Québécois band called "Les Colocs".
Guide de la petite vengeance
Bernard, an accountant in an upscale jewellery store, suffers from daily psychological abuse by his boss Vendôme. Thanks to his pal Robert, also victim of harassment by this cruel man, Bernard will toy with the consequence of a well-deserved retaliation at the expense of his boss. However, as not everything is perfect in this world, Bernard will also have to experience the sometimes less pleasant after effects of this ruthless act of revenge.
La vie secrète des gens heureux
Élevé par des parents parfaits dans une banlieue proprette, frère cadet d'une fille à qui tout réussit et flanqué d'un ami tombeur, le pauvre Thomas se sent bien ordinaire. Alors qu'il tente désespérément de terminer ses études en architecture avec succès, le jeune homme rencontrera Audrey, une belle ténébreuse qui lui donnera des ailes. Évidemment, le bonheur n'est jamais simple et la vie peut être parfois cruelle...
Saint Martyrs of the Damned
A reporter goes to a mysterious village to investigate mysterious disappearances until one night, his friend gets abducted and every citizen wants him dead.
La gran seducción
Los habitantes del pueblecito costero de Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne, antaño orgullosos pescadores, se ven obligados a vivir de subsidios gubernamentales. Pasa el tiempo, siguen cobrando los talones, pero el orgullo desaparece, dejando sitio a la melancolía, la somnolencia y la desesperación. Para colmo de males, el alcalde se muda a la ciudad y Germain se queda a cargo del pueblecito.
Bibiane (Marie-Josée Croze) es una mujer de 25 años que viajando con su coche atropella a un hombre y, presa del el pánico, huye de la escena del accidente. A raiz de tal desgraciado incidente, la joven cae en una etapa de caos y depresión.